Captain Armstrong: A Short Story

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“Can I get you something to drink Mr. Armstrong?”the nurse asks. “No, I think I'll be okay for now .” he responds. The elderly man sits and stares out of his window into the horizon. “Any breakfast Mr. Armstrong?” the nurse asks. “No thank you.” he responds. The man wheels himself to the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He stops and stares, skims his fingers lightly across the scar that was left across his face. A day he’ll never forget. Sounds of artillery shells hitting the ground and the roaring of bullets zipping by play in his mind repetitively as if they were in the same room. As he comes back to reality the nurse asks him, “I know it's not polite to ask nor is it any of my business, but how exactly did you get that scar?” The man glares …show more content…

Armstrong went inside by himself searching for spare ammunition. As he wanders around the bunker inattentively a Nazi trooper comes behind him with a knife to his throat. The German man began to speak in german rapidly, but quietly enough to not warn the other soldiers. Captain Armstrong not knowing what to do keeps his hands in front of him to not startle the Nazi. The German continues to ramble quietly, but Armstrong remembers his self-defense tactics from training. Armstrong swiftly grabs the arm of the German man and propels him around his hip. The German abruptly rises from the ground and holds his knife out in front of him pointing it at Armstrong. The German takes a swift swing at the Captain, achieving to lacerate his face. Armstrong stops and stares with anger. He charges toward the German and tackles him to the ground. At that moment the Nazi loses his grip of the knife, making the Captain now have the advantage. The captain, still on top of the German, then grabs the knife from the floor. He raises the knife up with both hands. The Captain, with anger still hovering over his face, drops the knife and stares at the German and lets him go. Armstrong then leaves the

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