Canadian Colonization

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For this creative task we had to create a news report segment for SBS World News about the colonization of a certain nation. In a group with Isabelle it was chosen that we would examine the colonization of Canada and the effects it had on the identity, culture, political structure and economics of the colonized and the colonizers. Canada was chosen due to our joint interest in the country and its deep connection between the country’s history and colonization. It was also chosen because of the knowledge that I have due to my taking a native and aboriginal studies class when I lived in Canada for a semester. This class sparked an in-depth interest about Canada’s history and the factors leading to the nation it is now, and pushed me to learn more …show more content…

The colonization of Canada brought with it many detrimental outcomes to Canadian natives and their land, including genocide, disease and danger. This was a very turbulent time in Canadian history, bringing with it terrible times for the colonized Native people and the rise of the white European colonizers. The effect of post-colonialism on the political structure was that of both weakness and strength. While the politics went from strength to strength for the European settlers and white people of Canada, it had many fatal flaws for the native peoples. They were let down in protection, land rights, safety, and respect. Only recently did the government issue a formal apology in the form of a speech that was nationally broadcast and one that was well respected in terms of sincerity and acknowledgement of the true horrors that the native people were forced to endure. The economic structure was similar to that of political where it had benefits for the colonizers, and flaws for the native groups. Canada was built on the beavers back, the European settlers used beaver skins to trade with other nations and grew the roots for the economic structure without consideration the original methods of trading that the native groups used. The extremely negative effects of post-colonialism that were forced upon the native groups were deadly to the native culture and identity has been very much been eradicated to make way for European customs and culture and is only very recently being accepted and openly practiced without criticism again. Helping to finally grow and accept the native culture and helping modern day Canadians to learn about their ancestors and the original residents of the land they live on. Therefor creating a nation with an ugly colonial and post-colonial history, making for an interest and in-depth news segment which can be

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