Campus Carry: The Effects Of Guns On Campuses

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Effects of Guns on Campus

The campus carry bill is a critical issue that has been with us for many years now that cannot be look upon as just a law, but how it affects individuals on campuses. They’re has been many speculation that the campus carry bill will increase the people’s safety by providing them with the right to conceal a gun on campuses. The idea of allowing gun is not going to solve any of the problems, which are present today on campuses. The campus carry bill needs to be looked at closely and how passing this bill is going to impact students negatively. The campus carry bill should be repealed from all campuses in the United States because it causes an unsafe learning environment; Increase in school spending’s and increase …show more content…

Increasing the cost of security on campuses can lead to cost of tuition to increase and funds being cut for other activities due to allow guns on campuses. For example the pending bill that will allow individuals to carry a weapon at UT in Texas would cost the UT system 39 million for security, which they can use that money for other beneficial things. The UT system stated” In addressing these cost, our campuses will either need increased revenue or be compelled to reduce or discontinue other services or activities”(Kingkade). Instead of investing money in security due to guns being allowed, they could use that money in providing more opportunities and even decreasing tuition for students. Campuses should be focused on how to educate the students not in allowing guns on campuses because they feel it will make things safer. According to state Sen. Rodney Ellis, a Houston Democrat “ We should invest in arming our students with a 21st century education, not arming them with handguns”.(McGaughy). Guns on campus are not the cheapest way to go for colleges and universities in any state. For instance “ Idaho’s campuses that allowed the bill to be passed have spend more than 1.5 million to increase the security in the first year alone and expect total costs to top 3.7 million for the …show more content…

College and Universities are safer than people actually think due to the tightly controlled firearm policy on schools. The majority of violence that is being conducted is happening off campuses. Adding guns only increases the possibility of devastating events to occur. College students are not fully responsible to be able to conceal a weapon that can cause pain to another individual. Students are more vulnerable to face social and academic pressure and allowing them to carry a gun is not the best thing to do in any circumstance. According to a study in the American journal of public health, “ Found that workplaces where guns were permitted were 5 to 7 times more likely to be the site of a workplace homicide compared to workplaces where guns were prohibited”(System). This shows allowing guns on campuses will not help stop violence from occurring but only create easier access to using them. Campuses seem to be doing way better with prohibiting guns on campuses rather than allowing them in many cases. Studies shown by the University of Louisiana system reveals that “ Nearly 18 million students, more than 4,000 campuses, over 5 years- 43 campus homicides”(System). This gives a great idea of how there have not been many homicides due to guns not being allowed on campuses. Violence will not decrease over the years with guns on campuses but only increase the homicide cases in

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