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Have you ever wanted to take CPR and are wondering what you have to do and why it's important? CPR training or classes are important especially when you are working with children, even if you are just a mother. If something happened to the child you would be able to do nothing if you didn't take a CPR class, or not the right thing. You could injure the child if you do it incorrectly.

You HAVE to be gentle with the child, it's imperative!! The child has bones that break if you don't push you compressions on the right spot. CPR might not seem like an easy class, but you have to remember that it's for the good of the children. I'll teach you what you have to do during CPR, BUT I still recommend that you go and take a class, because you learn lots more.

For the infant you need to: Shout their name and gently tap the infant on their shoulder. DO not shake or if you do shake a little, DO NOT shake hard. You could kill the baby. If there is no response from your shout and gentle tap then position the baby on their back. (This is so that you can see if the baby's breathing.) The next step is to open the airway by using a head tilt, lifting of the chin. DO NOT tilt had back too far! You could break the baby's neck and then you wouldn't be saving it anymore. Step 3 is to give two SMALL gentle breaths into the baby's mouth, but only if the baby's not breathing. You HAVE to cover the nose and the mouth of the baby. That is IMPARITIVE. There are no ands, ifs, or buts about it. The small breaths that you gave should be 1.5 to 2 seconds long. You should see the infants chest rise with the breathing that you put in. Step 4 is when you need to feel for a pulse. Try to feel for the pulse in the inside upper arm, it's easier that w...

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... infants.) Still give the chest compressions at the rate of 100 sets per minute. Instead of giving two small gentle breaths, you are going to give one full breath. You follow that by the 5 chest compressions.

These are some simple basic steps to follow. I recommend that everybody go take a CPR class. They are actually pretty fun. You get to learn how to be safe with the children and make sure that they don't die or get hurt. When you become a lifeguard, if you do, then there are going to be other things involving CPR that you'll have to do. You'll have to go the children out of the water and then start doing CPR. There are other things that come into play too. I'm sure it's that way for every job.

I hope all you you had fun learning about the basics steps of CPR. I would enjoy seeing all of you at a CPR class. I hope that you understand WHY CPR is important.

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