Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms
Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344
Homework #2 -- Due Fri 28 May 1999 : 09.30am
* Question 1. Assume that an n-element array (vector) a contains distinct integers arranged in no particular order. Write an algorithm to find the value and location of (a) the mean of a and (b) the value v in a closest to the mean. Note: If v equals the mean, then v is the value closest to the mean.
Example. If a = (1,2,3,5,4,6,7,9), then the mean equals 37/8 = 4.625. The value 5, which is in the fourth location (i = 4), happens to be the value closest to the mean.
FindMean(a : array [1..n] of int):
{ sum = 0; posmean = -1, posclose = -1
for i = 1 to n do:
sum = sum + a[i]
mean = float(sum) / n
mdif = 9E13
for i = 1 to n do:
dif = abs(a[i] - mean)
if (dif < mdif) then
if (dif = 0) then
The 2SD Rule, to use this rule, you start by estimating what the mean or average value is and what the standard deviation is. The 2SD Rule then gives you a way to translate those statistics into numbers people will relate to.
There are many ways which help build rapport with children and young people. One of them is to ensure to actively listen to what they are saying. There may be times were you unintentionally brush aside what a child is saying perhaps it is because you are preoccupied or tired, however, even this can be enough to make a child feel unvalued. Being responded to appropriately reinforces a child's self-esteem. This will in turn help build a trusting relationship. Talking with children, asking and answering questions also helps build their language skills. If pupils are distressed and need to talk about it, they will more likely open up to the person who has made them feel that they have a voice. This is why it is very important to build a respectful and trusting relationship with students, as it can have an impact on most areas of development.
1. Signed Business Associate Agreement – This is to cover yourself, as well as to experience peace of mind. You want your host to understand and accept the risks of hosting patient health information.
I have four quiz scores: 94, 93, 85, and 0. what is the mean (average) of my quiz scores? Would you code this as a factor or a numeric value in R?
For this statistical inference, the question was whether the means were truly different or could they have been samples from the same population. To do draw a conclusion, we must first assume normal distribution. We must also set the null hypothesis to m1 - m2 = 0. And per this assignment we must set the a-level at .05 and the hypothesis alternative to m1 - m2 ¹ 0; thus requiring a two-tailed test.
This method is used since it is the most appropriate for calculating the mean and the standard deviation of a grouped data.
So, for figure 5 which is the means plot, we use the means plots to see if our mean will be different with the groups of data. Because when we are ale to see the visual interpretation of this section, we will come to the following conclusions, which we can the mean scores for the section that is higher than our mean scores for the section 2 and 3.
...will fall within the first standard deviation, 95% within the first two standard deviations, and 99.7% will fall within the first three standard deviations of the mean. The Empirical Rule is used in statistics for showing final outcomes. After a standard deviation is found, and before exact data can be collected, this rule can be used as an estimate to the outcome of the new data. This probability can be used for gathering data that may be time consuming, or even impossible to found. When the mean equals the median and the values cluster around the mean and median, producing a bell-shaped distribution, then we can use the empirical rule to examine the variability. In this bell-shaped data set, we can calculate the mean and the standard deviation. The mean means the average value of the set of data. The standard deviation means the average scatter around the mean.
closer the line of best fit is to 1; the more evidence there is to
Near the end of the narrative, the people were still fighting to ensure the safety of their distinct tree. They were skeptical of what governmental scheme they would endure next. At the end of the story, during a conversation between two men, one asked "When will they set up the water pump?" to which the other man replied "When people go to sleep and don't see the doum tree in their dreams."(pg 824) paragraph 3). He also said that cutting down the doom tree is not needed, that "What all these people have overlooked is that there's plenty of room for all these things: the doom tree, the tomb, the water-pump, and the steamer's stopping-place." (Pg 824 paragraph 5) Just as villagers found meaning by having the doum tree in their community, people
* (less than 10 pages, less than 20 pages, or more than 20 pages). You may assume that the
because 3 × 25 = 75 and 85 - 75 = 10. However this method of random
Based on the total means, the values of A and B were computed from the total means and standard deviations from each trait group.
Centroid Method: Calculates the distance between two clusters as the total of distances between their means for all of the variables. (J. Norušis, 2012)
First of all I had no much computer programming skill from the past , but I do have some short-term programming courses completion. of course the basic idea from the past about python language programming is a big deal to me to prepared myself early for this class. Otherwise not easy to find out exactly what is going on around computer language program; programming a computer is not so simple and controlled within a short period of time, computer programming is need big time and a lot of effort.