Business Quality Models

2721 Words6 Pages

Many different quality models have been developed to help organisations

improving quality

Executive Summary

This report is all about quality, quality management models and

recommendations about some advantages and disadvantages. There have

been several key findings in the report:

Quality is important and essential.

Quality is about meeting customer needs, and it is a complex thing

that can help to develop the whole organisation. It is very useful but


There are various quality management models being used in the world.

Many different quality models have been developed to help

organisations improving quality. The ISO 9000:2000 is a worldwide

based one which provides very detailed documents for the company to

use as guidelines, a certificate could be awarded when all the

requirements are met. Deming’s 14 points are mainly used in Japan and

there are many successful examples such as some Japanese manufacturing

companies. The EFQM Excellence Model is a very systematic model that

has been used widely in Europe; it breaks quality into specific

elements and provides logical links to put them together. There are 9

main criteria and each of them has specific requirements. Moreover,

there is a prestigious award for successful implementation of the

model which is the EFQM certification. However, it is not easy to get.

The EFQM are mainly discussed in the report and compared to Deming’s

14 points.

The 9 criteria have been discussed into more detail in the report with

some comparisons to Deming’s 14 points. The EFQM Excellence Model has

covered and exceeded most of Deming’s theory.

The EFQM model is recommended for the company to adopt while few

disadvantages are should be taken into account.

The EFQM model is recommended for various reasons: First it is a

European model that may offers a chance for the company to compare

itself with the others in the same area. And it is very systematic and

easy to understand. It also helps company to improve continuously and

achieve excellence, and so on. However there are few disadvantages

that must be taken into account, as the model is a complex framework,

it is very time consuming, because it needs a lot of involvements. The

system is also not able to transfer the organisation into excellent

immediately but it helps to identify the areas that must be improved...

... middle of paper ...

...e the goals – expand the business and increase the customer base

by 15% annually over the next 3 years. Through continuous improving

the quality, but also to use the model as a driver for the future

success to the “Excellence” of the business. However, the EFQM model

shouldn’t be the sole quality model to rely on, as there are still a

few problems that must be taken into account, it could be useful to

refer to the other quality models such as Deming’s as well. Most

importantly, the EFQM Excellence Model is a complex framework that

must be carefully planned, implemented and reviewed, and this that may

take a long time to accomplish.

As for the ISO 9000:2000 model, it may be useful for the company to

adopt it as being the fist step before the EFQM Excellence Model;

first because it provides a very specific and detailed documents for

guiding the company, and also because it is much easier to get the

certificate, which will also helps the company to attract more



The EFQM website Last accessed on 06/12/04.

Oakland, John S. (2003) Total Quality Management: text with cases.

Third Edition., Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

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