Buoyancy Essay

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The definition of buoyancy is “the ability or tendency to float in water, air or some other fluid”. Buoyancy It tells you about the ability of an object to float on the water or liquid. You can determine whether an object will float or sink, not by checking the relation between the weight of the water and the weight of the object. People use buoyancy all the time, it is used to create a water object. Such as boating and scuba diving. If you think about it like this when you are on the top of the ocean or lake or river. It is called Positive Buoyancy. When you are in the middle of the ocean or lake it is called Neutral Buoyancy. And when you are in the bottom of the ocean it is called Negative Buoyancy. The positive buoyancy is seen when an object floats in the …show more content…

Now let’s get into some examples of buoyancy. What if you put an ice cube into a glass of water. When the ice cube moves some of the water will become its own. The water level rises and floats in and out of the water. Gravity is pulling the ice cube down and the buoyant force is pushing it up. This is a little project you can do at home. Think about what happens when you put an ice cube into a glass of water. As the ice cube moves some of the water to make way for itself, the water level rises and floats partially in and out of the water. Gravity is pulling the ice cube down and the buoyant force is pushing it up. As we know things float because they are less dense in water. Did you know that because of this it is easier to lift a heavier person in a swimming pool? Steel ships float because even though steel is denser than water, their hulls are full of air. Ships float on how different the heights are. Ships float higher in dense cold seas than in warm tropical ones which mean they also float higher in the winter months. Some heavy ships get lowered by letting seawater in and then it is pumped out of the buoyancy

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