Persuasive Essay On Scuba Diving

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Scuba diving is a sport that has been done for centuries. Scuba stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, in which people dive underwater with a cylinder of gas to breathe with the assistance of masks, fins, a breathing regulator, a buoyancy device, and gauges to explore the underwater environment. In the early nineteenth century new improvements were invented to help divers stay submerged underwater longer and have a smoother dive. But there is still doubt whether it is still safe to scuba dive or not because of the dangers that come with diving. And there are some areas of the world in which divers should be aware of. Even though improvements in technology made scuba diving safer by allowing humans to stay submerged longer periods of time, scuba diving should not be done, especially in particular regions of the world. A majority of dangers that come with scuba diving are caused by extreme water pressures. The very first scuba dives performed were in search for jewelry and very short until a way to breathe underwater for longer periods of time was invented. In order for the divers to stay submerged underwater longer, they used a hollow reed. Research shows that later on, “helmets were made of metal to withstand even greater water pressure and divers went deeper” ( 1). These improvements in technology gave divers a smoother dive, allowing them to enjoy more time submerged deeper in the ocean. Along with divers being able to stay under longer and enjoy the underwater sea life, there came some dangers that were not recognized and are potentially serious if one does not take diving serious. However, along with these new improvements came dangers for scuba divers, especially for beginners, that are caus... ... middle of paper ... ...omething goes wrong. It sounds pretty harsh right? Well this is because if a diver ascends too quickly to the top, they risk rupturing their lungs due to the water pressure as they go up. Well, another thing is if the person stays underwater but cannot fix the problem, then what happens? It causes an even greater problem. Either way they are risking themselves becoming injured. At any point in time during the dive, the person is susceptible to any form of danger. Some regions of the world are meant to be left alone and should not be disturbed by humans scuba diving. Sipadan Island, Malaysia could potentially become dangerous because it is a site where the Barracuda tornado occurs and it contains hammerhead sharks. This is a problem for scuba divers and one never knows what could possibly happen. Even if the diver is being extra cautious, injuries could still occur.

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