Many of our urban dwelling southern friends have been questioning, just exactly what we are building? What is a bunkie, while our rural northern friends have no problem understanding our building plans. During a long drive after we had pondered the meaning of life, discused our children, a short conversation about money or the lack there of we decided to look up the definition of Bunkie. Definitions of bunkie seemed to be varied from, a man who shares living space with another man in a prison cell described in the urban dctionary in a way that both my mother or pastor wouldn’t want me to repeat, to always polite Websters definition “The bunkie”, meant to serve as a guesthouse. Most importantly we learned it wasn’t a valid scrabble word so we decided to define bunkie ourselves from …show more content…
different view points . Bunkie [buhng-kee] noun, slang Olive: Treehouse [tre haus] Noun a small house built in the branches of a tree for children to play in.
a structure or shelter in which people or animals are housed Examples for tree house: oh grandpa I’m so lucky you built me a tree house. 0923 According to wikipedia tree house are usually built for leisure but sometimes are built for protection against wild scavenging animals. Marc: I feel better about storing the beer now. Marc: Building project [bildiNG pre jekt] Verb Never ending building project, with an abundance of chores and maintenance to occupy his time apoon completion much like owning a sail boat a never ending pit that you keep throwing money into. Examples for building project: After you finish the roofing project we could start on the wiring project, insulation project, water tower project, flooring project… 0261 Friends: 1. Accident [aksedent] noun An unfurtunenate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury Example for accident: 0911 Greg Picture of Greg & Dave 2. Retreat [ree treat] noun A quiet secluded place one can rest and relax, a place to get away from it
all. Examples for retreat: Lets retreat to the Faubert’s for some rest and relaxation Note: unless you want to help with the never ending building project; see waiver attached to friend definition #1 accident 0055 0082 0104 0115 0158 0190 0276 0277 0278 Pictures of friends Kids & Cousins : Adventure Camp adˈven(t)SHər, kamp noun tourism involving activities that are physically challenging a type of niche visiting involving exploration to remote areas, where the you should expect the unexpected. Pics of kids and cousins Linda Home [hom] Noun, relating to a home of a family, place of origin, a base of operation, a place where someone flourishes as a member of a family. May poses biological DNA but not nesasary
Rain Tree Homes was a real estate construction company located in Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania. After September 11, 2001, Rain Tree Homes and Y-Rent began advertising heavily to the New York/New Jersey lower income market. Enticing advertisements claimed you could purchase “a new home in the beautiful Pocono Mountains for only $1,000 and $685 per month. Prospective buyers flocked to the area; local builders almost could not keep up with the demand. However, many of the reputable builders and mortgage companies would turn these buyers away, but Rain Tree Homes accepted them with open arms.
...ow the tree “will churn down its dark boughs, smashing the house.” But the tree is so significant to their family that accepting the risk of injury is sensible.
Each person has a place that calls to them, a house, plot of land, town, a place that one can call home. It fundamentally changes a person, becoming a part of who they are. The old summer cabins, the bedroom that was always comfortable, the library that always had a good book ready. The places that inspire a sense of nostalgic happiness, a place where nothing can go wrong.
The American chestnut was not only an important food source for almost all living organisms of the Eastern, North America, but it was very important in providing housing and furniture and numerous other wooden necessities. The tree possessed rot resistant properties and strait grained wood which were valuable in buildings and many other applications. Its enormous trunk rose one-hundred feet into the canopy of the forest. Diameters of five feet have been recorded and many photos of the tree show greater trunk girths. The tree was able to produce its eatable fruit within seven years of germination. It was said to be truly treasured by early Americans.
Each village had a town square at its center with seats where spectators could sit.The town square was used for ceremonies and games. Each village had a circular town house with clay walls and a cone shaped bark roof about 25 feet high. This was a ceremonial lodge and was also used for shelter for the homeless. Some town houses were smaller with a slanted bark roof only about 10 feet high. The most common house had a slanted bark roof with the roof about 7 feet high these were used for individual families, it held about, four to five people in it.. Each family had a summer and winter house both were packed with mud. The summer house was often used as a guest house for when visitors came to visit. They also owned their own granary which was half open and they also had a warehouse which was open on all four sides similar to a chickee.
Kerzner, H. (2013). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Throughout my first year in middle school I have really started taking great thought into my future. I have realized that I am getting closer to my adult life and that I need to start to plan for the type of future that I wish to have. As much as I enjoy team activities, I do think of myself as more of a leader and would like to go about planning my career in this way. I am determined to go about things at an advanced pace which is why I believe I should be part of the National Junior Honor Society.
I believe that I, Christine Kuykendall, am a good candidate for a spot in National Junior Honors Society. I hold all of the core values, I am an all A student, and I love helping in the community. I am also a very hard worker and I believe that I can do great things in National Junior Honors Society.
When we talk about projects, we usually assume they result in tangible products and are usually engineering projects such as constructing a metro system, building a bridge or tunnel, a dam or even making a new aircraft, whilst these examples are projects, they are not all encompassing. Projects also have intangible results like Disneyland’s Expedition Everest, the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, the iPhone 5 launch ceremony, the inauguration of President Obama and even the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton.
We’re sure your friends, family and cozy home will make the list. But, don’t forget to thank your trees- those gentle, green and giving giants.
Placing fruit baring trees in front of a home is a perfect example of reducing the human footprint. The tree provides food, and also provides for a wind and sun barrier that improves the insulation in the home.
Most of trees are private property, but that does not mean that they are not part of the community also. Since trees are everywhere, there is a lot of planning that goes into the placement of trees so that they benefit everyone. Trees provide people with privacy for their homes and yards. Trees also serve an architectural function as well. Many architects use trees to improve the looks of a businesses and public areas to make people more at home.
When planning a new project, how the project will be managed is one of the most important factors. The importance of a managers will determine the success of the project. The success of the project will be determined by how well it is managed. Project management is referred to as the discipline that entails the processes of carefully planning, organizing, controlling, and motivating the organization resources so as to foster and facilitate the achievement of specific established and desired goals and meet the specific criteria of success required in the organization (Larson, 2014). Over the course of this paper I will be discussing and analyzing the importance of project management.
Project management involves all activities that encompass scheduling, planning, and controlling projects. A successful project manager ensure that an organization’s resources are being used both efficiently and effectively. Most projects need to be uniquely developed require a sense of customization and the ability to adapt to any posed challenges. The scope of effective project management includes defining what the project is and what is being expected to be accomplished. Projects are imposed to fulfill a certain need and project managers must have the ability to create the proper definition. Goals and the means used to attain those goals have to be clearly stated. Project Managers must also have the ability to plan
Trees are great for many things. They are immensely useful for everyone. They give people so much for not a thing in return. One single tree can provide a huge amount of upside for the environment. They can provide a healthier environment, shade, comfortability, and a better environment for the people and the atmosphere. They provide great surroundings and they keep us shaded and comfortable. Not to mention, every piece of paper in the world is made out of one. Trees are extremely important and a huge part of our everyday life.