Bullying In Urban Schools

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Imagine being picked on every day, even in your dreams you get pushed around. Kids who have different skin colors, problems, or that look a little different are being picked on, either verbally or physically and made fun of. Bullying creates problems in our society, and most of it occurs in schools. Many students who are being picked on have goals, for example, making new friends, joining a sports team, or trying to get the best grades possible, but because of bullying their goal are being negatively affected. As a result of bullying, urban students may be affected health wise, lack in participation in school and
When talking about education, people tend to think about schools. Schools are institutions that people go to be educated and to …show more content…

Bullies tend to get physical at times- pushing, tripping, punching, or slapping- causing students to result in physical damage. Children who were bullied by their peers were roughly twice as likely as their non-bullied counterparts to experience psychosomatic symptoms, including headaches and stomachaches, dizziness, bedwetting and sleep problems due to physical problems brought on by physical or emotional trauma (Pearson, 2013). Headaches and stomachaches might prevent some students from studying or performing certain academic tasks, and some urban students might not be able to go see a doctor because their parents may not be able to afford it. Some urban students will have to miss school due to their condition. Also traumatic experiences may cause ongoing feelings of concern for their own safety and the safety of others. These students may become preoccupied with thoughts about their actions during the event, often times experiencing guilt or shame over what they did or did not do at the time and this results the victims to show a negative change in their school performance, attendance, and behavior (NCTSN). Physical health conditions affect urban …show more content…

Due to bullying both the victim and the bully result in poor standards when it comes to class participation, joining clubs, or any type of extracurricular activities. Some bullies hate schools and some victims of bullying tend to start hating school. A school atmosphere characterized by bullying can create climate of fear and intimidation that has harmful implications for student adjustment and learning (Mehta, Cornell, Fan & Gregory, 2013) and students tend to be scared of joining clubs and getting involved in school because many fear that they will be made fun of, or looked upon differently. A Virginia High School study was designed to collect data from every public school and to see the affects of bullying. One of the data collected showed that bullying resulted in lower number of students’ school involvement (Mehta et al., 2013). Urban students are not getting involved in clubs and activities that’s might benefit the student and might miss out on athletic scholarships, science competitions, and community service. The students’ involvement in extracurricular activities such as athletic teams, performance arts, academic clubs, and school government is associated with positive attitudes towards school and higher student achievement (Mehta et al., 2013). Urban students are miss out on the only opportunities they have to play a sport because many students might live in bad neighborhood, were they may

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