Bullying has become a huge problem in society today. Bullying is always overlooked because people think that it isn't as serious as it actually is. What people don't realize is that bullying is way more serious in this generation than it was in any other one. Nowadays people are committing suicide, becoming home-schooled, becoming emotionally traumatized and it causing severe depression, all because someone keeps bashing them for being themselves. In 2017 more than 850,000 people committed suicide due to bullying or other traumatizing things. Most of those people, were only in high-school. More kids and young adults commit suicide due to bullying more than adults and seniors. I think that people need to start realizing that bullying is a more …show more content…
The words that people say end up becoming more and more hurtful until one day, that person can't handle those words anymore. Like at school, teachers and most students don't see when someone is getting bullied. It's something that either happens when only few people are around, just the bully and the person being bullied, or online. That is one of the main reasons it is so hard to prevent. People don't notice it happening and people are afraid to speak up about it and people just hold it in and let it keep happening until they can't live with it anymore. Teenagers are people who bully the most. In this generation they are so judgemental and they think that everyone has to look and act a certain way. 1 in 8 high school kids end up committing suicide due to being bullied in school. The littlest things can hurt people whether it be them being ostracized, judged, and just getting rude comments towards them. Suicide is one of the main reasons bullying is a huge problem in society …show more content…
When i hear "emotionally traumatized" I immediately think of depression. Depression is also a huge problem in society today but, depression is mostly caused by someone being verbally abusive towards them, just like bullying. This causes people to not want to go anywhere or interact with anyone. I know from experience how depression and being emotionally traumatized can make a person feel. They feel scared and alone. People are afraid to speak up about their problems because they are afraid someone will think they are crazy and/or different. Depression doesn't always mean when someone harms themselves but that is what most people think it is. It is about feeling left out, alone, scared, of being bullied and being hurt more than the person already has been. More than have of the teens in our generation are being bullied and becoming depressed and we don't even realize it. It is such a broad topic that we overlook how serious it is. I think people need to start realizing how people are feeling and how depression is in a lot of people, even people we may know. Depression is the last main reason bullying is a severe problem in our society
Bullying has become a major problem facing the United States today. The American Psychological Association reports that roughly 40% to 80% of children are involved in bullying on some level during their time in school. (APA, 2014) The magnitude of the problem can be observed in the statistics. In the United States, a total of 4,080,879 children between the ages of five and 18 have been the victims of bullying compared to 3,892,199 who have reported that they have engaged in bullying someone else. Additionally, 851,755 said that they have been both the victim and the bully. That's a whopping 8,824,833 people in the United States that have been involved in bullying behavior on one level or another. (High, B., 2000 Census)
In school systems today bullying is only talked about as being wrong or not tolerated. No one does anything about a bully until someone has committed suicide, tried to commit suicide, or has taken matters into their own hands violently. Administrators, teachers, and parents should pay closer attention to prevent the bullying that happens right in front of them.
Not only is it already hard to be a teenager, but having to deal with constant teasing and harassment is just something no one needs. There is a point in life where bullying can become so terrifying that students will rather stay at home than have to face their bully. Darnell “Dynasty” Young is a 17 year old gay teen who has gone through every possible way to stop his bullies from harassing him. His mother has tried everything but hasn’t been able to put a stop to it. Until one day, Young’s mother bought Darnell a stun gun. His mother told him to bring it to school and when the bullies began to torment him to take it out. He did just that, he did not actually shoot anyone he just waved it up in the air to intimidate his bullies. He not only got suspended but he also got arrested, yet the six boys teasing him and calling him names received no punishment whatsoever. (CNN) Young is one of the many kids that go through this type of abuse in a place where they should feel safe. This is an example of the school failing to do anything to prevent this kind of behavior, even after the parents try to intervene. This is also a great example of parents failing to implement high behavior standards by enforcing them to retaliate. Parents should be there to advice a peaceful way of resolving this in a non violent way not give them the weapon. By implementing prevention programs such as activities that help fight bullying can ultimately lead to the end of this horrific thing some kids face each day.
I. Bullying has been going over the years, people have been getting hurt because of it, I know its not easy to stop bullying completely but if we start helping out each other we can make a big difference, bullying leads to terrible things, a lot of parents have lost their children, and its not just fair to see how someone can take control over someone else to make them unhappy, we all have the right to live the way we want to, and for all the people that are going through something don’t be afraid to speak up, stand up for yourself and if you need more help you can always reach out to the suicide prevention number which is 1800 – 273 – 8255.
How can society possibly put an end to bullying, there can be as many sit downs with the children of today’s generation, but it is nearly impossible to put an end to this ongoing epidemic among the children of today. Many students are victims of bullying and not even half of the victims file reports against their attacker. Do Something, a Nationwide anti bullying organization said that “Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year”. What can possibly be done to reduce and or possibly get rid of this number of students that are being bullied? The United States of America is currently fighting a war with bullying, and so far are losing. Although the number of state and federal laws against bullying have been increased, it seems that there have been more incidents that have not been heard about until it is far too late for something to be done.
Bullying is a serious issue and has an adverse effect that could lead to depression, anxiety, and worse suicide. To become a bully takes a long process, with the help from parents, schools, communities, and social media, bullies and bullying can be prevented.
Bullying has always been a problem within the past century and has become an epidemic. However, because of social media people are becoming more aware of the issues associated with bullying and how it has become a trend in today’s society. You turn on the news and you are hearing about kids being bullied and the end result is suicide. Bullying is occurring worldwide. Not only is it happening in our schools and social networks, but also in the work place. The various types of bullying that exist and the attempt to entirely eliminate them is not achievable because of individual and environmental factors.
Bullying is a growing concern in a society where status and exercising power over another human being are increasingly important in developing one’s social circles. Dan Olweus (Norwegian researcher and founder of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program) defines it as an “aggressive behaviour that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power. Most often, it is repeated over time” (Violencepreventionworks.org). School victimization is an especially delicate matter that has only really been in the public eye for the past half century, as more and more researchers and psychologists pointed out its short- and long-term negative effects on targeted individuals. It has since been widely investigated and numerous programs have been developed in an effort to address and prevent the many forms of bullying that exist today. The negative effects of such an abusive behaviour are various and can greatly differ from individual to individual. However, there are three main consequences that can be associated with school bullying, which are: school avoidance, depression/anxiety and even suicidal attempts.
Bullying has been a part of schooling for as long as children have been congregating. To some it seems like a natural, though uncomfortable, part of life and school experience, while to others it can mean terrifying experiences which spoiled and characterized otherwise happy years in school. Dan Olweus, a pioneer in bully behavior research documented that 2.7 million children are affected as victims, and that 2.1 children act as bullies (Fried, 1997, as cited in Aluedse, 2006). With bullying cited as the reason for violent, gun-related crime in the past few years, school districts as well as national governments have put anti-bullying policies in place. Bullying is a complicated phenomenon, involving more than one child demanding lunch money from a smaller child. It is a worldwide epidemic hitting schools everywhere. Virtually everyone has seen or experienced bullying. With technological advances, bullying is even hitting the internet. Parents, teachers, students and governments agencies alike are attempting to put a stop to bullying practices.
Bullying is a devastating issue that threatens the well-being of today’s youth. Those who are most likely at risk are those who; have a learning or physical disability i.g., autism or ADHD, are underweight or overweight, are gay/lesbian/transgendered, or speak a different language. Of course, there are no specific guidelines of who will become victims of bullying. Children who are bullied experience lower self-esteem, greater loneliness, greater anxiety, and more depression in addition to the already stressful adolescent years. The longer the bullying occurs the more profound the symptoms can become. As a low-level, subtle form of violence, bullying creates an unsafe school environment and can lead to more serious types of violence among students (Whitted & Dupper, 2005).
Bullying is a repeated harmful act that continues to affect millions of students every year. There is no stereotypical person that is a target for bullying; anyone can be its victim. There may not always be any signs of physical harm during these attacks, but our children always suffer emotional harm. Educating students, teachers and parents seems to be the only valid solution to this problem. There are many organizations that can educate the schools on this subject but for it to work people must care. Maybe one day, when enough people realize that this problem will not go away with out their help, we can eliminate bullying from our schools. In a perfect world there would be no bullying, but if you could ask Rachel Scott she would tell you we do not live in a perfect world, only a hopeful one.
Bullying does not have a standard definition. Bullying can be anything from calling someone else names, beating them up just for the fun of it, to texting or messaging them on the internet or any mobile device. Any person can be the victim of bullying, not just children. Bullying causes many issues, physically, emotionally, and mentally, not only for the victim, but for their entire families as well. Bullies have many different reasons as to why they start bullying someone else. The actions done to the victim leaves them with only a few options on how to stop being bullied. How they handle it is always different.
Bullying is an issue that is a problem in society today. Bullying is any kind of unwanted behavior to an individual on repeated occasions which is a display of power over someone. Bullying is mainly common among students in school, and unfortunately, it happens in other places like at home between parents and children, and on rare occasions, among adults. When people began to identify bullying for what it is, it was only known as a physical aggression towards others, but over the course of time, bullying has moved from just physical bullying to verbal bullying, and power abuse in the workplace between co-workers in different ranks. In a book called Welfare Brat: A Memoir, Mary was bullied in school by boys on the streets, and unfortunately, she was verbally bullied by her mom. Bullying among children in the society is caused by different reasons, and affects its victims negatively.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” These words have been repeated countless times, but they are not accurate. In truth, words can kill. Bullying has become a highlighted problem within our society, and bullying in the school systems is even more prominent. According to the news, there are countless cases of bullying, many of which do not have happy endings. The rates of suicide due to bullying are currently higher than they have ever been before. Suicide is the third top causes of death in young people within the United States, averaging at 4,400 deaths a year, with over 50% of these deaths as a result of some sort of bullying. Studies also show that there are 100 suicide attempts for every one successful suicide performed (“Bullying and Suicide”). These numbers are disturbingly high. Bullying is affecting more kids in ways that some adults may never understand. The fact that words and actions can lead to cutting and suicides is still a distant concept to some and needs to be brought to immediate attention. Laws are now being put into place to prevent these tragedies, but what is really being done to prevent them within the schools or even within the students’ homes? There is a lot of finger pointing when it comes to this topic. But we all want to know what the cause is behind this nationwide crisis and who is responsible for it.
We all know what it is, and we know it’s not a good thing. Bullying has been around for ages, and has gotten worse as time has progressed. With all the technology the world has today, bullying is not only occurring at school and work, but online as well. Most individuals try to ignore a bully, but sometimes ignoring it makes the situation even worse. Bullying is a serious subject that needs to be looked at more. Individuals are being affected by bullying in a negative way, causing a lowering of self-esteem, depression and sometimes even suicide.