Bullying Amongst Children With Disabilities

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Bullying Amongst Children with Disabilities and Disorders

Bullying Amongst Children with Disabilities and Disorders
LaToyliea Williams
American Publication University System

Bullying comes in different forms, cyber, traditional, physical and verbal. How do children with disorders or in special education classes and schools deal with being a victim of bullying? Do they show the same traits as those of average regular school aged children? Bullying is a serious offense and should be taken as so no matter what child is being victimized! Children that have special educational needs, disorders, or learning disabilities are thought to be at risk more for bullying than those of their counter parts. Results show that this is …show more content…

Bullying has been an issue within the media and school systems for decades, but has recently been on the rise. Children are targeting their peers, adults are targeting adults, and sadly adults are targeting children. Bullying comes in many different forms, verbal, physical, and cyber. The type of bullying an individual is subjected to can have a different affect on the adolescent.
One topic that hasn’t been researched or viewed often is the victimization of bullying amongst children with special needs, disorders, or learning disabilities. This should be amongst the topic of bullying within school systems. Not only are children targeting their peers that require help, but adults and teachers are also targeting them. Do these children get left out because of their disabilities, are they becoming more of target, does it go unnoticed because their environment and behaviors, or is there little known evidence pertaining to victimization amongst children with special needs? A lot of research has to be done to obtain the answers to these questions. Not only are we looking for answers, we as researchers are looking for the risk factors that could be associated when dealing with victimization amongst children with special needs, disorders, and learning disabilities. The current …show more content…

This scale was specifically developed for individuals with special educational needs as a self report measure of bullying and victimization behaviors for children with SEN. Items assessing victimization were taken from the Wider Outcome Survey for Teachers and looked at the degree to which children with SEN were verbally, directly, or indirectly victimized (Fink et al, 2015). Me and myself (M&Ms) assessment was given to measure emotional and behavioral problems based on a self-report from children between ages of 8 and 12.
The results of this study was presented in two parts, first being the results from the BBES and second from victimization and bullying amongst children with and without special educational needs (Fink et al, 2015). The first part of the results show that self-report of bullying was relatively low. Adolescents reported that they do not engage in bullying behaviors. Children with SEN reported more bullying behaviors than those without SEN (Fink et al, 2015). Overall the results suggest that children with SEN are still more likely to be victimized than those without

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