Should Cyberbullying Be Illegal?

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In today’s age, the Internet is a vast collection of many different websites that can lead to access to journals, newspapers, music, and hundreds of thousands of other categories. With the Internet being as large as it is, there’s no surprise that there are social websites so that people may interact socially over the web. These sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc., are ways that friends can reach each other and family can keep in touch. With all of this in mind, many people don’t know that there are darker things afoot. Impertinent instant messages, rude status updates, and uncivil tweets affect up to 20% of teens in America, today (Cyberbully Research Center.) With this said and done, there is really one question that should be asked. Should cyber-bullying be illegal? In the state of Texas, the harassment laws in the Texas Penal Code also cover cyberbullying. This is also the case for the majority of …show more content…

One large effect of cyberbullying is depression. It effects 17 million people nationwide, and as many as one in eight teens suffer from depression (Understanding Depression 1.) This article also states that the symptoms of major depression are “persistent sad mood, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and the inability to feel pleasure or happiness.” There are many different types of depression that teens experience everyday. Teens suffer can suffer from major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder (Understanding Depression 1.) Being a person willing to help friends with any problems in life, people needing someone to talk to are often around. From indirect experience, teens often seem to have a very low self-esteem and often seem lost and don’t know where to go from their current situation. Those who extremely suffer from depression can often become suicidal. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in youths aged 10-24 (The Parent Resource

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