Bully In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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(1) How should a bully be handled? (2) In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, the Logan children are faced with that question every day. (3) In that case, the bully is the bus that takes the white children to school. (4) Every day, the children face new taunts, insults, and offenses from the bus, they reach a point where they have to fight back. (5) The children were right in their actions to sabotage the bus. (6) The bus terrorized the children. (7) The children listen for the bus coming so they could get out of its way. (8) The bus kicked up red dust and exhaust that billowed around them when the weather was dry. (9) The bus tried to splash them with water and mud from puddles when it rained. (10) The bus was intent on running the children off

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