Configuring your Bulletproof FTP Server Tutorial
I thought that perhaps this tutorial might be pretty helpful for those interested in knowing how to configure their Bulletproof FTP Server that don't already know how... Here's how to get started
This is for the BulletProof FTP Server 2.10. However, It should work fine on most following versions as well.
I'm assuming you have it installed and cracked.
1. Start the program.
2. Click on Setup > Main > General from the pull-down menu.
3. Enter your server name into the 'Server Name' box. Under Connection set the “Max number of users" to any number. This is the limit as to how many users can be on your sever at any time.
4. Click on the 'options' tab of that same panel (on the side)
5. Look at the bottom, under IP Options. Put a check in the box “Refuse Multiple Connections from the same IP”. This will prevent one person from blocking your FTP to others.
6. Also put a check in the 'Blocked Banned IP (instead of notifying client). VERY IMPORTANT! If somebody decides to 'Hammer' (attempt to login numerous times VERY quickly) your server/computer may CRASH if you don't enable this.
7. Click on the 'advanced' tab
8. At the bottom again look at the 'hammering area'
9. Enable 'anti-hammer' and 'do not reply to people hammering' Set it for the following: Block IP 120 min if 5 connections in 60 sec. You can set this at whatever you want to but that is pretty much a standard Click 'OK'
Adding Users
11. Setup > User accounts form pull-down.
12. Right click in the empty 'User Accounts' area on the right: choose 'Add'
13. Enter account name. (ie: logon name)
14. In the 'Access rights' box right click: choose ‘Add’.
15. Browse until you find the directory (folder) you want to share. In the right column you will see a bunch of checkboxes. Put a check in the following ones: Read, Write, Append, Make, List, and +Subdirs. Press 'select'.
16. Enter a password for your new FTP account.
17. Click on 'Miscellaneous' in the left column. Make sure 'Enable Account' is selected. Enable 'Max Number of Users' set it at a number other than zero. 1 for a personal account and more that one for a group account. Enable 'Max. no. of connects per IP' set it at 1
18. Under 'Files' enable 'show relative path' this is a security issue. A FTP client will now not be able to see the ENTIRE path of the FTP.
“The first role is to protect internal clients from malicious external servers. All client connections to external servers are proxied through a single application proxy firewall.” (p.339)
Ban: I would ban if it was their second time hacking, or cheating in some way that violates
eMILPO uses webservers and application servers as part of the hardware to run this system. The system uses Dell servers running Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Microsoft Windows Enterprise Server. The software that the eMILPO System uses to run their web application and the servers that are u...
Describe how you would get the server to agree that a problem exists, and what you would do if the server refuses to acknowledge that a problem exists.
Random checks are performed at regular intervals to check for user activity. When any of the users is found breaking security code, an immediate action is taken to notify user about violation.
Johansson, Jesper M. "Managing the Windows Vista Firewall." TechNet 2008: n. pag. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
Watch Guard Fireware has a firewall based IPS the can detect and block of attacks in the proxy policies. When enabling Firebox, this will protect the network from any kind of attack especially zero day threats from the outside world. Also, the IT staff should use a signature-based Intrusion prevention system to that is good for maintaining efficiency and performance protection on the network. Using my suggestions will prevent any more threats in the future for these web servers on the college’s
The screened host firewall combines a packet-filtering router with an application gateway located on the protected subnet side of the router.gif The application gateway needs only one network interface. The application gateway's proxy services would pass TELNET, FTP, and other services for which proxies exist, to site systems. The router filters or screens inherently dangerous protocols from reaching the application gateway and site systems. It rejects (or accepts) application traffic according to the following rules:
2. Once you have segregated the POS network, you need to apply rules on the networking device responsible for the
Implement a system Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS): - Make the investment in an IDS/IPS to distinguish and prevent potential system dangers. sensors ought to be circulated all through the system, with a specific focus on general society untrusted section. Take alerts very seriously.
...ks) each user connects to another user, only using a server to find other users.
2. How vulnerable is your company to a denial of service (DoS) attack or intrusion? What should be done about such vulnerabilities?
A network can be based on either a peer-to-peer level or server-based, also referred to as domain-based. To distinguish the difference, a peer-to-peer network, also known as a workgroup, is a network in which a group of computers are connected together to share resources, such as files, applications, or peripherals. The computers in a peer-to-peer network are peers to one another, meaning no single computer has control over one another. There is also no central location for users to access resources, which means that each individual computer must share their files in order for other computers to have access (Muller, 2003, p.411). “In a peer-to-peer environment, access rights are governed by setting sharing permissions on individual machines.” (Cope, 2002) On the other hand, in a domain-based network, the computers connected together are either servers or clients. All of the other computers connected to the network are called client computers. The server is a dedicated machine that acts as a central location for users to share and access resources. The server controls the level of authority each user has to the shared resources. When logging on to the network, users on client machines are authenticated by the server, based on a user name and password (Lowe, 2004, p.13).
In a client-server network, the capability of the server will decline as the amount of clients asking for services from the server increment. In spite of that, in P2P systems overall network performance really enhances as an increasing number of nodes are added to the system. These companions can arrange themselves into a specific purpose groups(ad hoc) as they impart, work together and offer data transfer capacity with another to finish the current workload (sharing of files). Each companion can transfer and download at the meantime, and in a procedure like this, new companions can join the group while old companions leave at whatever time. This active re-association of group peer members is not opaque to ultimate consumer.