Bullet Soup Tradition

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I would like to tell you how to make bullet soup. It’s been a family tradition for many years. Bullet soup is made only on new years. Bullet soup is a simple meal to serve a family of 3-6 it also depends on what size pot you use, the amount of water, and how big you make the meat balls. First of all your going to need 1 pot pan and fill it with water half way until it’s in the middle of the pot but don’t turn on the stove yet. Then you get the hamburger out and start rolling your hamburger into hand size portion, don’t add any flavors. Once their in the pot let them boil then you are going to go chop up some onions at least ½ cup so they can add some flavor to the bullet soup. After your done mixing the onions with the bullet soup you are going to need to get a clear cup along with milk, water, and flower. Your going to pour the milk right …show more content…

You don’t need a cup to measure the flavors you have to taste the soup to make sure you didn’t add to much seasoning. Let the soup sit for 5 minutes and make sure the tempter is on medium, keep mixing it, when the 5 minutes are up pull 1 meat ball out then cut it open to see if its fully cooked. If not fully cook let it cook for 10 minutes. While its still cooking you can add more onions but just a little portion not to much. When the 10 minutes are up take out 1 meat ball again then cup it open to see if its fully cooked, once fully cook taste the broth if it doesn’t have a taste add a pinch of salt and pepper make sure you don’t add too much pepper nor salt. Once all done let it sit for 15 minutes to let it cool down, while you let it cool down get the bowls and forks out you can use spoons to drink the broth. When the 15 minutes are up take out 2-3 meat balls out and use your fork to cut them up or you can eat the meat ball just the way it is. And that’s how you make bullet

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