Building Muscle Persuasive Speech

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Thesis Statement: Building muscle is a lot more difficult, and takes many more components than most people realize.

Attention Getter: Everyone has their own personal fitness goals whether its……

Preview: Today I’m going to be talking about building muscle, and the science behind it.
There are three major components….
1. Diet – what you eat, what it does
2. Lifestyle – sleep, resting, being healthy
3. Lifting – sets, reps, weight, rest

Transition: I’d like to first go into detail on a person’s diet.
I. diet – what you eat
A. Calories
i. Put in more then you burn, if you burn all your calories, what is left to create new tissue
B. Quality
i. You can’t just eat 3000 calories worth of sugar, or fried food, it’s just like a car, if you want it to perform at it’s best you have to use the …show more content…

i. Protein is the building blocks of muscle development, if you’re looking to build muscle you need to eat at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight
II. Lifestyle
A. Healthy – moving around
i. You want to be in a healthy condition so your body repairs itself efficiently
B. Don’t smoke don’t do drugs
i. Just like diet what you put in is what you get out, if you smoke or do drugs, you almost certainly won’t see any gains.
C. Sleep regularly
i. Sleep is essential to building muscle, your body does the majority of its tissue repairing while you are sleeping.
III. Weightlifting – workout plan
A. How many sets and reps
i. A rep or repetition is one motion completed during an exercise, a set is the number of reps you complete before resting. ii. For muscle building you want to keep your repetitions between 6 and 12, and your sets at 3 to 4
B. How long you rest between sets
i. The time period you rest between your sets is actually directly related to the type of muscle you wish to build, shorter rest periods equate to endurance, longer equates to strength ii. For muscles building you want to rest between 60 and 90 seconds.
C. How much weight you

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