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Assignment for Buddhism
Buddhism in the past and present
Buddhism overview
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Buddhism "addresses a continuing Western thirst for spirituality and mysticism". With one of Buddhism's key appeal to Westerners being that it doesn't offend their reason as it not only agrees with evolution but it doesn't require blind faith. Since the Buddha urges followers to just to take his word for it, but to test it for themselves to see if, things like meditation could work in their own experience. Buddhism is also extremely adaptable to the different cultural circumstances that can occur. Making it a universal religion, that’s more concerned with the structure society together. It teaches that anyone can develop spirituality and can become more positive, regardless of their gender, race, or sexual orientation making the religion …show more content…
well suited in the modern world One of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism are the Noble Eightfold Path and shares many similarities with religious laws that westerners may already be familiar with like the Ten Commandments .
These rules are to be followed if one wants to reach salvation within the Buddhist religion. “Right View” according to the “Buddhist Society is the most important one to begin with “if we cannot see the truth of the Four Noble Truths then we can't make any sort of beginning.” Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood follow and involve moral restraints, such refraining from lying, stealing, committing violent acts, and earning one's living in a way harmful to others, like as selling any form of intoxicants for instance. These moral restraint helps us to not only bring social harmony but it also helps us control and diminish the sense of 'I'. Next, Right Effort is important because 'I' lives off of on idleness and wrong effort; which can lead us down a dark path so effort must be appropriate to the diminution of I, and in any case if we are not prepared to exert ourselves we cannot hope to achieve anything at all in either the spiritual sense nor in life. The last two are Right Mindfulness or awareness and Right Concentration and are considered to be the first steps to liberating yourself from …show more content…
suffering. One of the most well known Buddhist texts in the West is the Bardo Thodol or the Tibetan Book of the Dead as it's known in the West.
It details signs of death, how to prepare for death and how to navigate the bardo, which is the state between one’s death and their rebirth, this being the main draw of the Bardo Thodol to Westerners. Within the the text bardo is split into three states, the first one is called the chikhai bardo which features a “clear light of reality”. The second being the chonyid bardo, this is the experiencing of reality during which one sees visions of the Buddha in different forms. The sidpa bardo is the final bardo and is about rebirth, during this bardi one sees karmically impelled hallucinations that will ultimately result in rebirth, usually yab-yum imagery of men and women having sex. However, with the exception of the third bardo each bardo is limited by one’s own spiritual capabilities. As said before the bardos and how to navigate them are the main source of interests to Westerners since most western religions will talk about their respective versions of heaven but don’t go into detail on how to get there. There are also some similarities between these and some commonly believed, for lack of a better word, myths about deaths such as, when someone experiences a near death experience they see a white light which most people assume to be
heaven. As both a westerner and as someone who’s been raised in Catholic schools all his life the most interesting part of Buddhism is that most off if not all the teachings within in the religion has something backing it up. One of the biggest reason I moved away from the Catholic religion is unquestioning faith that I think is need for it, so to see buddhism which encourages asking questions and second guessing what’s being said is a breathe of fresh air.
In the world, there are five major world religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In the past few classes, I have been exposed to and absorbed a tremendous amount of information on the religion of Buddhism. According to the dictionary, Buddhism is a religion of which originated in India, was founded by the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, and teaches that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject. Buddhism is a way of finding peace within oneself. It is a religion that helps it’s believers to find the happiness and contentment us humans seek. One thing I found
Buddhism’s approach to ethics and practices are centred upon the principal beliefs of; the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and the Five Precepts. By adhering to these guidelines, Buddhists are ensured that they are taking a step closer to escaping Samsara, and attaining the revered state of Nirvana,
Analysis of Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen The book Buddhism Plain and Simple, by Steve Hagen, caught my attention and became more interesting to me than I thought. I have always heard of the religion Buddhism, but I never knew what it was all about. I never thought that Buddhism was as huge as it is. I knew that it existed in other countries, but I never knew what exact countries. Many of the views in this book surprised me and the book taught me a lot about morals and better ways to live your life.
Buddhism is one of the prominent and influential religions and philosophies of the world. A basic tenet of Buddhism is that worldly desires and possessions cause all suffering. To absolve one’s self of necessities beyond basic human survival is one of the many plateaus that Buddhists strive to achieve. Furthermore, Buddhists free themselves from temptation via seclusion from society and attempt to allow nature to support them. They believe that Nirvana, the ascension to heaven, can be achieved by freeing oneself of earthly desires.
Hinduism and Buddhism There are many religions that are practiced around the world, especially in Asia where there are eight different religions being practiced. In the country of India, Buddhism and Hinduism are the main religions that are practiced today. Buddhism and Hinduism were both founded in Asia, but they were founded by two different people and practiced in two different ways and languages. Buddhism is a living tradition that is passed down from teacher to student as a set of instruction and techniques for sanity and brilliance in the inner self and the world. Hinduism is more based on the thoughts and attitude about one’s everyday life, and reflects in his actions.
In the comparison with other class of Chinese faith , the study of Chinese Buddhism benefits. First, the International range of Buddhism allows for fruitful comparison with developments in other neighboring finish such as India and japan and the contemporary identicalness of Buddhism as a missionary. Buddhism is a way of breakthrough repose within oneself. It is a organized religion that helps us to find the happiness and contentment we seek. Buddhist develop inner peace, kindness and wisdom through their daily practice; and then share their experience with others delivery real number benefit to this humankind .They try not to injury others and to live
Americans have created their own vision of Buddhism with the unique understandings of the United States, its objectives and potential. Their idea of what a good or “mindful” society should be like is influenced by their beliefs. Such beliefs include: the specific qualities that Americans should have, the practices they should engage in, their participation in politics, law, education, legal and medical systems, the military, and so on. The adoption of mindfulness to all these important aspects that are highly valued by Americans is how the believe they create a good, mindful
Buddhism originated in India in the sixth century BCE and spread throughout China starting from about the first century CE. Buddhist ideologies appealed to a majority of the lower-class in china, as it served to embody a much more pleasant life, rather than the lack of opportunities for them in China’s political society. However, the social elites and government authorities saw Buddhism as a threat to their previous decrees and traditions, and may consequently result in a loss of their political power. As a result, they sought to undermine the impact of Buddhism on their societies by discrediting it’s teachings.
Buddhist Ceremony As I pulled into the parking lot of the Buddhist temple here in Sioux Falls, SD, I didn’t know what to expect. I sat in my car pulling up the courage to go inside because I had no idea what to expect. As I walked in to the Buddhist temple it was nothing to what I was used to. As being a Catholic as I walk in there’s not much to see other than a few paintings on the wall. Everything is put away nicely and there’s a ton of space.
Buddhism is currently the fourth most popular religion in our society today, following Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Its major ideologies are based on the philosophies of Siddhartha Guatama, also known as “Buddha”, who began his teachings in 598 BCE at the age of 35, according to Buddhist texts. A Buddhist’s foremost aspiration is the obtainment of Bodhi, or enlightenment through meditation and Anapana-sati (awareness of the breath). Buddhism shares many ideologies with India’s Hinduism and Yoga such as non-harming, non-violence, and self-awareness. In many instances, people regard Buddhism as a way of life rather than a religion, for it has no clear belief in the idea of a God or Gods. Its structure is built upon a hierarchy much like Christianity where superior orders such as Lamas or the Dalai Lama are said to be chosen by nature through the process of reincarnation rather than by a council like Christianity’s Pope. Though these “higher level” Buddhists are rare (not everyone is a reincarnation of an ancient Buddhist “priest”), all are permitted to follow “The Middle Way” either as a Buddhist monk or the simple attendance of a weekly teaching session from time to time. Throughout the last few hundred years the Buddhist population has blossomed into a healthy 381,611,000 and over fifteen different sects including Zen, Mahayana, and Theravada.
Buddhism prevailed as a religion indigenous to west India and comprises of varieties of traditions, beliefs and practices based on the teachings of Buddha. There are many reasons why Buddhism became so popular and entered into many civilizations. Buddhism began to be popular throughout Asia alongside India. Buddhism has blossomed in the contemporary world, especially in the West. It is an issue to wonder what Buddhism offers that other religions cannot and has become so significant worldwide. Buddhism has become an idea that is widespread and the teachings of Buddha have made a real difference in many civilizations like India, China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and surprisingly Buddhism has come to make a significant difference in American culture.
This video lecture course is about Buddhism and how it is valid in the terms of modern psychology, hence the name Buddhism and Modern Psychology. In this essay, I will answer two questions pertaining to the topic of how Buddhism in the eyes of psychology is valid. The questions have been chosen out of a list and they are the ones that I felt were most relevant to the topic.
Buddhism is quickly growing in popularity in the western world particularly with the younger generations. This is because it is the only religion that can be practiced not from a religious stand point. Buddhism can be embraced as spiritual adventure where the person focus’s mostly on nature. Buddhism is full interesting concepts and has the easiest religious text to read. Out of all the religions I have learned about throughout life. Buddhism is the best so far.
Hinduism is a religion with various Gods and Goddess. According to Hinduism, three Gods rule the world. Brahma; the creator. Vishnu: the preserver and Shiva: the destroyer. Lord Vishnu did his job of preserving the world by incarnating himself in different forms at times of crisis. The three Lords that rule the world have consorts and they are goddesses too. Consort of Brahma is Sarasvati; goddess of learning. Vishnu's consort is Lakshmi; goddess of wealth and prosperity. Shiva's consort is Parvati who is worshipped as Kali or Durga. Hinduism, religion that originated in India and is still practiced by most of its inhabitants, as well as by those families have migrated from India to other parts of the world (chiefly East Africa, South Africa,
This may be seen as a negative point due to the fact that Buddhism developed in the East and psychology developed in the West. With both being practiced in both hemispheres, there are more chances for the two to connect and people could argue that there are too many chances for a connection and since the two subjects come from different sides of the world, there could never be a possibility for the two to connect and understand one another. “Some of the most notable differences revolved around the concepts of ‘individualism’ and ‘collectivism’; whether you consider yourself to be independent and self-contained, or entwined and interconnected with the other people around you, valuing the group over the individual. Generally speaking - there are many exceptions - people in the West tend to be more individualist, and people from Asian countries like India, Japan or China tend to be more collectivist” (Robson, “How East and West Think in Profoundly Different Ways”). Generally, Eastern countries revolve around the concept of collectivism and tend to entwine and close to those around them. Western countries to be individualistic, preferring to be independent and having a-do-it-yourself attitude. When considering this concept, it can be understood why some may say it would be complicated to intertwine Buddhism and