Bryan Chapell: Christ-Centered Preaching

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Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2005.

Bryan Chapell presented a process for developing an expository sermon. Before he outlined his process, he explained the concept, need, and value of expository preaching; thereby, revealing his preaching philosophy and laying a foundation for the ensuing sections. In the second section he covered the functional elements of a sermon (explanation, illustration, and application). He explained each element’s purpose and use. Various examples gave further insight to clarify the concepts presented. In section three, Chapell presented a “Theology of Christ-Centered Messages.” Chapell’s purpose was to encourage preachers to craft sermons that elicit faith in their audience rather than self-help or moral instruction. Within the pages of Christ-Centered Preaching, he attempted to confront two “foes” of expository preaching: “This text offers practical instruction that binds the expository sermon to Scripture’s truth,” and to exhort “effective communication of the gospel” (19). Christ Centered Preaching is a foundational book for expository preaching. First, It provided an alluring survey of preaching, specifically expository preaching. Second, …show more content…

The most prominent contribution is the “Fallen Condition Focus” (FCF). The FCF is a homiletical tool that discerns “the mutual human condition that contemporary believers share with those to or about whom the text was written that requires the grace of the passage for God’s people to glorify and enjoy him” (50). This tool enables one to discern how to elicit a faith response in their listeners. This is the heart of Chapell’s work, for it redeems the expository sermon. Chapell’s appendixes contain sermons and guidelines to facilitate preparing Christ-centered messages in different contexts (funerals, weddings, and evangelistic

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