Bruce Banner: Indestructible, Rage Monster

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Bruce Banner made a mistake. The Bruce Banner –indestructible, rage monster– made a mistake; no surprise, however, it being the metastory of his life. It started as an attempt to rebuild a life for himself; a life that didn’t cater to apocalyptic threats or murderous AI (although he was partial to blame for that one). It was meant to be a new beginning for him by returning to the root of his first love: science. It, nevertheless, gone awry; such was the fate of a hazardous man who didn’t deserve any happiness, to begin with – not for the crimes he committed. - Simon Utrecht, a political figurehead of Utrecht, Netherlands, former communist spy, and ruthless businessman, had everything a caliber man could ask for: billions at his disposal, class, charisma, and an extraordinary business sense. Unfortunately, everything he possessed could not grant him the one fixation he desired most: power. As the known universe expanded, revealing other worlds and impossible science, so too did the Earth and her inhabitants. Once Tony Stark outed his identity as Iron Man, superheroes exploded by the dozens. So when the scientist known as Bruce Banner accidentally unveiled a latent characteristic of radiation –the ability to mutate ordinary humans– Simon finally understood the greatness he was destined for: to become the next giant leap in human evolution, because he alone …show more content…

So, in his search to find those who worked alongside the physicist and the government funded project, he had found three second-best experts to exploit the radiation for his own gains. However, the attempt to recreate gamma radiated version of the super soldier serum ended in multiple failures. All his money and all his resources couldn’t make his scientists brighter. If he wanted results, he'd need the brightest of them all; he'd need Bruce

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