Broken Home Reform

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“Divorce can be a difficult time for a family” (Family Means). Marriage isn’t meant to be perfect, but that doesn’t mean things won’t work out as planned. Once a marriage occurs both parties are likely to imagine a great future ahead of them. No one wants to think about the possibility of getting a divorce. It’s important to realize that just because you feel compatible with your spouse doesn’t mean that you all are compatible. Along the way, the road will begin to get tough. As soon as that happens, you’re less determined that the marriage will return to how it was in the beginning. This brings about the question of whether we should reform laws to make it harder to divorce. There are difficulties in reforming laws to make getting a divorce …show more content…

Children with broken homes tend to head down the path of destruction. “Some children react to divorce in a natural and understandable way, while other children may struggle with the transition” (Family Means). By reforming laws to make divorce harder it’s beneficial to the child. It’s a weight that will be lifted off their shoulder and they will be able to function day to day without having to feel like they were the reason the divorce happened. Instead of being in a broken home, the child will experience the love of nurturing parents. “Research has suggested divorce can affect children socially. Children whose family are going through divorce may have a harder time relating to others, and tend to have less social contact” (Family Means). When getting a divorce, you must remember that it can affect your child not only in the midst but overall. Even though you and your spouse aren’t agreeing completely your child shouldn’t have to suffer for it. For the sake of the child, considering the possibilities to fix the relationship should be in your best interest. It may have seemed easy in the beginning, but nothing in life stays easy. Every marriage has their trials and tribulations. It’s up to you and your partner to work through your problems just like many married couples do. No child should have to witness this dispute between their parents and if these laws are put in …show more content…

By reforming laws, it allows for unhappy married couples to rekindle their relationship. If your relationship is in trouble, there is no need to make the quick decision to get a divorce. You should make the conscience effort to work things out for the better. It may start off rocky, but in the end, it will all be worth it. Typically, unhappy married couples aren’t willing to work through their differences. It takes 2 to make better of something that wasn’t well in the relationship. Your spouse is someone you should be able to say anything too. Being honest and open is important in every relationship, whether you may be married or not. Positivity should be focused on rather than negativity which allows you to bring back the spark that was once lost. Before even getting married, you should think of ways to prevent your marriage from leading to a divorce. Thinking ahead of time will be beneficial overall and it will provide a successful on going marriage. “Although the rate of divorce has declined slowly and steadily since the early 1980s, the rate of marriage has diminished rapidly, with more people choosing to marry later in life. Thus, experts routinely estimate that between 40 to 50 percent of married couples today will end in divorce” (Miller). It doesn’t have to be that way though and it shouldn’t be that way. The same way you could ask

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