Broadway History

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Broadway is a familiar name to millions around the globe. Although, many who know this name have no idea of how it all started, it is a name that brings entertainment to the mind. Broadway means fame and talent, a name that has thousands of meanings. It is not only a world leading theater, but also a theater that made history. From the discovery of the theater itself, to the publishing of hundreds of ultra famous plays; Broadway has survived many rough times throughout history. Still to this day it remains one of the most influential theaters in the world. Almost 300 years ago the first New York City stage was built on Massau Street. It was the first time that operas were performed and had become a common form of entertainment for the wealthy. At this time, the theater held just a little less than 300 people and the plays that were shown were mostly Shakespeare (History of Broadway). Theaters became more common throughout the city of New York. It was not until after the American Revolution in 1798, that the first major New York City theater was built, which became known as Broadway today (Broadway History). …show more content…

The bright lights of Broadway became known as "The Great White Way," which lead to be a new landmark (Broadway History). Eventually, Broadway theaters made its way to the New York times square itself. A numerous amount of Broadway musicals and plays were published 1920's and gained popularity among the people. Then, Broadway was confronted with The Great Depression, as a result Broadway shows diminished in the 1930's. even the producers from famous Broadway shows found themselves in debt just as many other Americans. However, as it has many times, Broadway rose

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