Breast Feeding Research Paper

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Breast-feeding is Best! Women should be able to breast-feed and not be embarrassed or ridiculed for doing so. They should be encouraged more to breast-feed and or pump in the work place. Most important they should have more education on breast-feeding and counseling for time management or complications they may have. Breast feeding has always been a natural event since the beginning of time. The recent events of women being harassed and humiliated has prevented a lot of women from breast feeding (Myers 1). What happened? Culture change and the breast became looked at as a sexual object, this made women and men uncomfortable. By the 19th century and World War II, the breast was being seen as a sexual object to men and to society. The pin up girls started this epidemic of how people viewed the breast. Marilyn Monroe being an example of one of these …show more content…

Again, in Babytalks survey they talked about time management with new mothers. 46% of them had no idea of the time restraints breastfeeding carried. If they don’t use their time correctly the have energy and morale. They need proper sleep and to eat or the baby will suffer as well as the mother’s health. New mothers should be educated on how to properly manage time and breastfeed (Kam 3).In this survey, Jacquline Gordon a mother of 3 stated, “I had to work and I wanted to breast feed my baby.” “I knew there was a way to do both” (Parks qt in 1). Gordon had her own solution to be a working mother and breast feed while working. She pumped twice a day at work and continued to breast feed in the privacy of her own home. It would take a minimum of 20 minutes for each session of pumping the breast milk at work. Some jobs are strenuous and don’t a lot time for pumping, so the mothers could pump during their lunches if needed instead of taking 2 or 3 20 minute sessions (Parks

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