Breakfast Club Psychology

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Christopher Samayoa
Professor Robert Vance
Psychology 111-026
2 December 2014
The Breakfast Club The year is 2014. It continues to be evident that teenagers suffer from many different personality disorders. Many say that the hardest year of a person’s life tends to be their teenage years. A great film that displays students suffering from personality disorders is, The Breakfast Club. This movie is about five seemingly different teenagers in high school that all receive detention on a Saturday. Their mischievous behavior led them to be all together in the same room, on the same day. Interestingly enough, each of the students fit a particular stereotype, and many have the same characteristics. The only different aspect is how they express themselves. …show more content…

He does not have a strong family foundation, which explains his inappropriate behavior. Bender’s father was an alcoholic who had a bad temper. During Bender’s young years he would do many things that would enrage his father such as spill paint, and his father would burn his arms with cigarettes. Both parents would never acknowledge what John wanted or what he did. Due to these tragic events Bender developed an insecure attachment due to his parents never being by his side and supporting him. At school, he created this façade of a “bad boy” so people were scared of him and Throughout the movie he acts tough when speaking with others, but in reality all he wants is acceptance. He is a strong adolescent, who is self aware but all he is searching for acceptance from his peers, teachers and adults. At this age that is what most teens are struggling …show more content…

Borderline personality disorder is the instability of interpersonal relationships, emotions, and self image. People that are diagnosed with this disorder are people who take part in usually very impulsive behaviors and often times display self-injurious behaviors. If a person has this disorder their emotions and feelings fluctuate back and forth various times. Their fear or loss or rejection can lead to devastating effects in regards to their self-image, cognition and behavior. Borderline personality disorder is most present in the early adulthood stages of a person’s life. This explains why John Bender can be a good target for this disorder. This disorder is manifested in Bender’s behavior just by observing the way he acts. He is a character that does not really care. In the film Bender’s emotions fluctuate from a very nice person that wants to be friends with the students that are in detention with him to being extremely rude and nasty to them. He insults them and makes comments about their social groups. Impulsive disorders are manifested through his actions of smoking and having sex. During the movie Bender smokes marijuana and also speaks about sex a lot. These two aspects can be seen as potential impulsive behaviors. His fear of loss and rejection stems from his abusive parents, that never supported him in any decisions and burned him with cigarettes

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