Boys Of Abu Ghraib: Sociological And Theological Interpretation

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Abu Ghraib: Sociological and Theological Interpretation Boys of Abu Ghraib is a movie about the war crimes committed by American soldiers on Baghdad soil. These war crimes shocked the nation because no one believed that Americans could be capable of such heinous acts, while others believed the prisoners had it coming of them and they deserved it. Abu Ghraib was a military prison in the west of Baghdad for Iraqi citizens who were thought to be suspected terrorists. This prison is known for being one of the most notorious prisons due to the immense amount of torture, violence, executions, and atrocious living conditions. The detainee’s were forced to pile on top of each other, forced to stay naked for days at a time, attaching wires to their …show more content…

According to Cesare Lombroso, criminals commit crime not because of free will and rationale but because of their biology. The soldiers at Abu Ghraib or soldiers stationed at any base within any branch, each person must pass a physical medical exam. All the soldiers at Abu Ghraib were in boots camp for about 3 months. These are all soldiers who have been checked out to be stable men who are fit for the military. Psychoanalytic explanations are negative childhood experiences, undeveloped cognitive approach and lacking of moral development. Although these men could have had either of these but these men were driven by the hatred towards arabs and learned the aggression from their trainers. Zimbardo challenges Lombroso’s biological approach and the psychoanalytic explanations because he found that human behavior often depends on circumstance and the situation people are put in. As the student “guards” in the Zimbardo experiment and Abu Ghraib, they were given so much power and authority, that they easily and quickly abused it. This too occurred in Boys of Abu Ghraib. Jacks trainer told him that each block wass supposed to be stationed with two men, but they did not have enough men so Jack would have to stay in the block alone full of suspected terrorists. Jack was solely in charge of the whole entire block; no one was watching over him or giving him limits. He was actually encouraged by the other soldiers to torture the arabs. The theory of deviant places states that crime rates are influenced by kinds of places rather than kinds of people (Esposito, 2017) So, the environment which Jack was in which was dirty, dilapidated, and surrounded by “hajis” is a big factor on why Jack and the other soldiers committed these crimes. The soldiers learned this behavior and aggression at the prison because they were surrounded by

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