Bowling For Columbine Gun Control Essay

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In Bowling for Columbine, the film was made to let people know about gun control and the affects it would cause if they didn’t. Michael Moore wanted to go around asking different types of people if they supported gun control or not. His main goal was to get specific reasons from people as to why they stood for that decision. He himself went to inquire about a free gun that he spotted on one of the advertisements he was looking through. Michael Moore wanted to make sure as to why people have different views on gun violence and if those decisions really affected them in any way. People who didn’t support gun control had their own reasons which made Michael Moore wonder as to why people are afraid that they need a gun for themselves when there’s so much security around everywhere such as the police. Through the film, Michael Moore wants to inform everyone that gun control is important because many are affected by the violence. Michael Moore named his film “Bowling for Columbine” because his film mostly focuses on a school in Colorado who faced a very dangerous situation. There were two kids who had planned a shooting at the school right after they went for bowling for their first period class for gym class. Michael Moore went around asking students that attended …show more content…

Michael Moore uses archival footage when showing the school shooting and how students and teachers felt during that terrible time. He also shows us two students who were severely affected by the incident that happened at the school and went to fight to ban the bullets that caused them where they were right now. Michael Moore wanted everyone that faced crucial pain that day to feel justified by his film. Overall, I think Michael Moore wanted to get his point across by making sure everyone feels safe at the

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