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Gun rights and gun control
The gun control debate in America
Consequences of gun control
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Recommended: Gun rights and gun control
The pro-gun control video above was posted shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012; what strikes me is that it is still relevant today. I still remember learning about the news clearly: I was in the car and heard news of the Sandy Hook shooting on the radio. Like the majority of Americans, I was nothing short of shocked and horrified. Unfortunately, due to the increasing frequency of gun violence in America, most of us have become desensitized to it. It no longer becomes shocking hearing about these atrocious crimes. Due to the prevalence of gun violence in America, it has recently become part of a national conversation. Too many innocent lives have been lost for Americans to turn a blind eye to the issue of gun control. Citizens should not fear for their lives on a daily basis; we should feel safe in our country. Thankfully, however, politicians such as President Barack Obama are working to resolve this issue. In a nutshell, Obama’s strategy to reduce gun violence in America involves: requiring all gun sellers to obtain a license and run background checks on customers who wish to purchase guns, making background checks more thorough and holistic, and investing more money into the mental health industry to help troubled …show more content…
For instance, in Australia “[t]here have been no mass killings . . . since the nation significantly tightened its gun control laws almost 20 years ago” (ny times). Adjustments they made include "tightened licensing rules, established a 28-day waiting period for gun purchases, created a national gun registry and instituted a temporary buyback program that removed more than 20 percent of firearms from public circulation" (ny times). Although it is impossible to tell whether these gun control laws directly caused a decrease in gun violence, as there could be other, confounding factors, it is very likely that it played a major role in this
A growing number of publicized tragedies caused by gun violence have caused a great stir in the American community. Recently, President Barack Obama has made proposals to tighten the regulation of and the restrictions on the possession of weapons in America to lessen these tragedies. Should the legislative branch decide in favor of his proposals, all American citizens who do or wish to own the type of weapons in question or who use current loopholes in existing policy would be directly affected. His proposals, which are to “require background checks for all gun sales, strengthen the background check system for gun sales, pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons, limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets, give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime, end the freeze on gun violence research, make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors, better emergency response plans, and more nurturing school climates, [and] ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for young people,” have been cause for a large amount of recent debate (whitehouse.gov).
This essay will discuss the pros and cons of gun control. Some U.S. States have already adopted some of these gun control laws. I will be talking about the 2nd amendment, public safety, home safety, and do gun control laws really control guns. I hope after you have read this you will be more educated, and can pick your side of the gun control debate. So keep reading and find out more about the gun control laws that the federal and some state governments want to enforce on U.S. Citizens.
If you have ever picked up a handgun whether it ranges from a real gun to even a water gun, you know of how simple it is to use and or operate it within a matter of minutes. You simply enough pick it up, aim it, and squeeze the trigger. The gun does all the rest. The trigger pushes against the sear and the disconnector, this releases the hammer which hits the firing pin that expels the bullet from the cartridge. From a technical viewpoint, this process is almost child 's play. Therein lies the problem. Children have been shown to frequently handle guns, with dire results. According to the Center for Disease Control, 409 kids aged 14 or younger died in 2013 alone as a result of playing with guns (Center for Disease Control “2013, United States
“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns. (Obama)” This said prior to Obama’s presidency, in the 1990’s, is still a topic that is constantly questioned today. Many American’s feel the need to seek ownership of weapons as a source of protection; While others believe that private ownership of guns will do nothing more but heighten the rate of violence due to people taking matters into his or her own hands. Philosophy professor Jeff McMahan agrees with Obama’s statement in regard to the ownership of guns. In his New York Times editorial titled “When Gun ‘Control’ Is Not Enough,” McMahan provides evidence to support his theory of the dangers that quickly follow when allowing the community to own guns legally. McMahan, throughout the text, shows responsible reasoning and allows the reader the opportunity to obtain full understanding and justifies his beliefs properly.
One of the most heavily debated subjects today in the United States is guns. Over the last few years, mass shootings and spree shootings have been covered widely in the media. It leaves many Americans wondering how we can just sit by and let this happen. However, this is no easy task to attempt to solve or something that will just go away overnight. Taking away the guns won 't solve anything or just fix the problem as a whole. The United States constitution not only protects, but guarantees the right to bear arms as an American citizen. Why should we let the acts of a few sick and mentally ill ruin the right for the rest of law abiding citizens. The focus should center more around tougher background checks and mental health. Many Americans,
For many years, America has witnessed mass shootings within it’s borders. In 2015 alone, there were 372 mass shootings (Oldham). The question most Americans are faced with is: do we need more gun control or is gun control the problem? With more gun control, it can be made mandatory that protective devices are used on firearms to prevent accidental harm. Gun control creates mandatory laws such as the requirement for an individual to pass a background check before he/she is permitted to purchase a firearm. Gun control has also been proven to prevent suicides due to the increased difficulty of obtaining a firearm. Those who believe that gun control is the problem claim that by removing one 's firearms, you are endangering them to threats that
Imagine being forced to crawl and hide with gunshots near your ears. Imagine seeing people shot to death in front of you. Believe it or not, scenes like these occur on a daily basis in America. In the first 320 days of this year there were 325 mass shootings in the nation, defined as where there were more than four victims at each shooting. (Mass Shooting Tracker). This egregious level of violence is unacceptable in a developed country and major reform in gun legislation to improve the tragic state of public safety in the United States today. Although critics of expanded gun legislation incorrectly argue that easier access to guns increases safety and that gun laws are unconstitutional, it is imperative that America adopts stronger gun control legislation because heightened regulations reduce crime rates and have successfully improved public safety in other developed countries. In a country like the United States, no one
Today in this day and age the world is filled with hate and violence and other terrible things. People use weapons and other objects to cause terror on others for many reasons such as power and wealth. Firearms are one of the weapons someone may use to harm or rule over others because of the danger the weapon can cause. Over the years with gun violence and killings, some people want to get rid of the citizens right to purchase and own firearms. Although gun violence bad, by taking a person’s right to bear arms will not solve the problem with gun violence in todays society.
In 1982, a survey of male inmates from eleven different penitentiaries, stated that sixty-nine percent of the prisoners knew another criminal that had been scared off, wounded, or decided not to commit a crime because they thought the victim had a gun (Agresti and Smith). As The United States heads to the end of 2013, current gun control debates are striking the nation, leaving everyone to develop their own positions on which side of the debate they want to be on. Gun control is defined as efforts to regulate or control sales of guns; however, most of what we hear from other people is that Obama wants to take away every gun in the nation. That’s not entirely true. Obama’s proposal to Congress is a law that would increase background check protocols, ban assault weapons, high-capacity ammunition, and armor-piercing bullets. The proposal also provides more funding for additional police officers on the streets, first response training, mental health programs, and school emergency plans.
Today in the United States many people argue over the fact of guns being legal or illegal. There are people using guns for personal safety and there are others who use them for crimes, as well as for other situations. Firearm deaths in the United States have slowly been decreasing from year to year with all these bills getting passed to promote a safer country than ever before. Guns are the main weapon for youth suicide, school shootings, and for committing murder. In 2010 there were 2,711 infants, child, and teenage firearm deaths. As in school shootings and in committing murder, studies show shooters often had multiple, non-automatic guns, shootings were planned, most youth tell before shooting, shooters have a history of being bullied or threatened, shooters have mental issues, and shooters have done suicidal gestures before (Gun Control with School Shootings). Although there are people who use guns for murdering, there are also those who oppose guns being used without the proper requirements. 85% of all respondents to the survey supporting requiring states to report people to national background-checks systems who are prohibited from owning gu...
Stricter gun laws aimed towards banning military-style assault weapons have been proven to decrease crime. According to an assault weapon ban bill in California, "The 1994 Assault weapons ban was effective at reducing crime and getting these military-style weapons off our streets. Since the ban expired (which expired after 10 years), more than 350 people have been killed and more than 450 injured by these weapons... A Justice Department study of the assault weapons ban found that it was responsible for a 6.7% decrease in total gun murders, holding all factors equal...The use of assault weapons in crime declined by more than two-thirds about nine years after 1994 Assault Weapons Ban took effect" ("Assault Weapons Ban summary - Assault Weapons - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein", 2013, para. 7). These shocking statistics reveal that military-style assault weapons play an important role in increasing crime rate, which is why preventing...
Gun violence in America is a public health crisis, which needs to be recognized and changed by legislatures, and the voting American. As conscious Americans, we need to vote for changes to gun laws that would improve background checks nation-wide, make firearm registration mandatory, restrict the sale of assault weapons and weapon modifications that give the shooter military-grade fire power, and invest in gun-safe technology and safe firearms storage designs. This type of technology will help prevent criminally oriented people from accessing guns, and will help prevent the accidental deaths of many children by guns. This essay will explain the reforms needed to help ensure Americans can still exercise their 2nd amendment right of owning firearms, and preventing the unnecessary deaths of many Americans at the same time.
...nforcement and criminal imprisonment had more of an effect on crime then any gun control law. Gun education and hunter’s education also improved. Focusing efforts on the root of the problem has yielded results and lowered crime. Crime rate has steadily lowered as more guns entered the private market.
Firstly, stricter laws will reduce violence, and gun control means crime control. There are some countries in the world that have introduced stricter laws and were successful to control the crimes ...
Imagine walking into school one day planning to learn, and instead hearing gunshots blare over the voice of your teacher. Since 2013, the United States has experienced an epidemic of mass shootings; many being in schools. Recently the shooting in Parkland, Florida has shone a light on the need for gun control. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” The correct statement should be, “Mentally ill people with assault rifles kill people.” If guns like the AR-15 were not available to the mentally ill or unfit such mass shootings like the one in Parkland would occur rarely or not at all. Change needs to happen in the form of gun control so parents can send their kids to school worry free, and kids won’t have PTSD because of a school shooting.