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Signs and symptoms of dementia essay
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There are a large number of people suffering from dementia. In the U.S. there are thought to be around 5 million people living with age related dementias and this number is increasing. Research shows that 60-90% of people with dementia exhibit some level of distress. This distress can take many forms such as anxiety, anger, fear, depression, and suspicion to name a few. Phycological interventions have traditionally been pharmacological but recently in an effort to use a more holistic approach, healthcare providers have been encouraged to try some nonpharmacological interventions. There are several examples of nonpharmacological therapies that have been studied and proven successful like aromatherapy, reminiscence therapy and music therapy. …show more content…
Another newer therapy that does not have as much research but hopefully will in the future is doll therapy. The theory behind Doll therapy originated from phycologist John Bowlby’s Attachment theory.
This theory, however, was mainly related to children. It was not until after the death of Bowlby that Miesen noticed a similarity between Bowlby’s theory and dementia patients. People suffering for dementia often search for their parents or spouses, which is thought to be an attachment need. Searching can indicated insecurity and a need to be reunited with a familiar figure in order to feel safe. A transitional object such as a blanket, doll, or stuffed animal is often used by children who are being separated from their primary care giver to provide security and comfort. It seems that this can also work for people with dementia. When residents move to a long term care facility they may lose sentimental belongings and other objects of meaningful attachment including family members. A doll or other transitional object can help by serving as an anchor during times of uncertainty. Some empirical evidence collected from studies in Newcastle, UK showed that when people living with dementia were given dolls they became more active, much less anxious, and more content, they used the dolls to communicate with others, there was a reduction in wondering, as well as aggressive behaviors. Some studies in Japan had similar results and also concluded that patients seemed to prefer more life like dolls. Studies in Australia, likewise, had similar results to those done in the UK with the addition of a few other benefits such as increased food consumption and improved social
interactions. There is some opposition to doll therapy. Some people consider it inappropriate due to concerns about dignity. It can be viewed as demining to treat an adult patient in a child like manner. Some think it is a breach of trust, or even an act of deceit by the care giver. One also has to consider how it makes the family members feel as some may not be comfortable with their loved ones “playing with a doll”. As with most interventions, doll therapy is not for everyone. It is for dementia patients in more advanced stages and you must evaluate the individual and take into consideration their personal history. Dolls made specifically for people living with dementia can be purchased, but they are rather expensive. The website I found had them listed for $119.00. I would like to conclude with at statement left by a customer of this website. She stated that the doll helped her mom escape form the world where she was the person being cared for, and allowed her to once again have the familiar occupation of caring for someone.
In conclusion to transitions, many people would believe and follow Bowlby's attachment theory as I believe that if children do not have strong positive relationships with their primary care giver from birth, then they will be unable to form relationships smoothly in the future. However, an alternative view to this is Bronfen Brenner's model that states that it is not just about the support and relationships a child or young person has from their family, it is a balance of nature and nurture and believed that the child is surrounded by four concentric circles which each represent a different factor that influences and the child. The first circles work from the inside out, the first is the 'Microsystem' which represents the child's immediate family and surroundings which would be the main support and relationships.
I feel Bowlby’s theory of attachment is really important in relation to supporting children through transitions. I think this because during the time I have spent in placements I have seen children bound more with a certain practitioner this is more than often their key person. Bowlby believed that ‘early attachments was very important’ (Meggitt.C et al, 2011, p80) the first ever attachment will be made within the first few months of being born. This will normally be with a parent or guardian e.g. mother, grandad. When this attachment is formed the child knows that its basic need such as shelter, food, warmth etc. Bowlby felt that if the child and attachment is separated for a short while within the first few years of its life then it could produce long term and irreversible negative effects on the child’s social, emotional and cognitive development. If this is the case placing children in a day care setting would be damaging for the children. This is why it is good to have a key person so that when they are away from their first attachment they have another attachment to a practitioner in a setting.
The influence of Bowlby’s attachment theory is relevant when dealing with transitions because it has informed people and practitioners about the importance of attachment and the key worker system. Bowlby’s attachment theory evolved to ensure children are protected and for their survival to be increased. Bowlby believed that a child’s first attachment is built quite early on and is normally formed with the mother. This relationship between the mother and the baby is the template for relationships in the future. It provides the child with an internal working model. If the child’s first attachment doesn’t have a positive effect then this can result in the child finding it difficult to form other attachments with practitioners, family members and friends. If the first attachment is secure and strong the child will be able to build relationships with other people without having a problem. According to Bowlby the cognitive development of the child is affected when early attachment is formed because it provides a secure base for exploration. Although Bowlby’s theory has a lot of positive aspects other theorists have research that disagrees with his work. Schaffer & Emerson
Criticisms of attachment theory have come mainly from the feminist schools of thought since the theory has been used to argue that no woman with a young child should work outside the home or spend time away from her baby (Goodsell and Meldrum, 2010). Children’s experience and development also depend on what happens after early years, whether bad or good later in life may change a child’s emotional development, e.g. lack of basic needs, diet, education, stimulation such as play might affect a child’s development (Rutter, 1981). Differences in cultures have to be taken into consideration as well. A study by Schaffer and Emmerson (1964) provided contradictory evidence for Bowlby’s attachment theory. They noted attachment was more prominent at eight months, and afterwards children became attached to more than one person.
Michaels, A. (2007, April 22). Drug Treatment for Dementia Sufferers. Article Directory. Retrieved October 19, 2008, from Articlesbase database.
Dementia is common among a large population of elderly people. The disease affects not only the individual diagnosed, but also the caregivers that work towards making their life comfortable in the end. Understanding and learning about the disease is crucial in helping those that experience or live with someone who has dementia. The services and support that are currently in affect for elderly people with dementia and the caregivers is poor, and ineffective because of the lack of research and information on the topic.
Dementia is a disease effecting nearly thirty-six million people worldwide (Whiteman, 2014). Even with so many elderly suffering from the disease, there are many people who don’t know what dementia truly is. People often jump too quickly to the conclusion that dementia is a disease that only effects the memory. They may believe that dementia is inevitable and cannot be cured in any case. They may also believe that dementia is something the majority of elderly will experience when they get older.
John Bowlby’s attachment theory established that an infant’s earliest relationship with their primary caregiver or mother shaped their later development and characterized their human life, “from the cradle to the grave” (Bowlby, 1979, p. 129). The attachment style that an infant develops with their parent later reflects on their self-esteem, well-being and the romantic relationships that they form. Bowlby’s attachment theory had extensive research done by Mary Ainsworth, who studied the mother-infant interactions specifically regarding the theme of an infant’s exploration of their surrounding and the separation from their mother in an experiment called the strange situation. Ainsworth defined the four attachment styles: secure, insecure/resistant, insecure/avoidant and disorganized/disoriented, later leading to research studies done to observe this behavior and how it affects a child in their adolescence and adulthood.
Some theorist agreed with Bowlby 's attachment theory and some did not. "In addition, attachment theory underemphasises the degree to which humans can self repair. Schnarch (1999) argues that while the drive for connection is powerful in humans, it is not as strong as the need for emotional self regulation and self preservation. Attachment theorists have ignored our capacity to stabilise ourselves and our strivings for autonomy, instead focusing on interaction and believing that all soothing must be internalised from others. He cites research suggesting that parents and infants are constantly moving in and out of “synch” with each other in terms of soothing. Babies soothe themselves when mismatches occur, and even break contact when they are overstimulated by a good connection. So we may in fact self regulate at the expense of connection. Attachment is not the dominant and overriding drive but only one among several including self control and self direction." The Limitations of Attachment Theory for Adult Psychotherapy, JONATHAN NORTON ⋅ JUNE 3,
Non drug treatment includes counseling of patients and family members of the possible mental changes and what can be done to ease the transition. Environmental changes and daily habits can be altered to reduce any obstacles associated with dementia and cognitive exercises can be performed by patients to he...
There is evidence from other theorists who support Bowlby’s theory of attachment such as Harlow whose approach is based upon a caregiver’s sensitivity and attachment. Ainsworth is another theorist whose research supports Bowlby’s theory of attachment. In her strange situation study, she tested for the attachment types and what effects they had on a child’s behaviour. “Ainsworth and Witting (1969) devised the strange situation to be able to test the nature of attachment systematically” Cardwell, M. et.al (2000). They found three attachment types, secure attachment, insecure-avoidant and insecure –resistant. They found that the different attachments had different effects on a child’s behaviour. Bowlby’s theory talks about having a secure base whi...
Taylor, C., Dening, K., Duncan, A., & Kendall, T. (2009). Therapeutic Interventions in Dementia. Retrieved [18th April 2011] from http://www.nursingtimes.net/nursing-practice-clinical-research/therapeutic-interventions-in-dementia-part-1-cognitive-symptoms-and-function/1961703.article
Most people find that there is no one that knows you better than you know yourself. We know our hopes, wishes and dreams better than anyone else, even our own parents, and we know what we are willing to do to get them. I chose to write about myself for this very reason. I believe that I know myself well enough to be able to analyze myself and understand why I am the way that I am.
The elderly represents a large amount of the population in our society and continues to grow each day. As the population grows, it is important to meet the demands and resolve the challenges that we encounter in regards to the overall quality of health and well-being of the elderly. Mental health of the elderly is a major issue but majority of the time goes unnoticed and untreated by caregivers and loved ones. About 20 percent of adults 55 and older are suffering from some type of mental health disorder, and one in three elderly adults do not receive any type of treatment (The State of Mental Health, 2008). Those suffering from mental illness are hesitant to seek out help or any type of treatment because of the stigma, services and cost for care that then comes with mental health disorders. Mental health issues that affect elderly include dementia, delirium, and psychosis. Some of the most common conditions include anxiety, mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder and cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease. Mental health is essential to the
I did not know this was a form of therapy that could help with such a wide variety of disabilities and diseases. These two presentations really connect together because when families are educated about the difficulties of dealing with dementia this could be an effective way to help both sides. Clearly, when my grandma had alzheimer's I was young so I didn’t know about these options for people dealing with dementia. However, as I progress into becoming a nurse it brings up a great point that I want to make sure I can always offer a variety of therapies for people going through difficult