Evaluate Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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The influence of Bowlby’s attachment theory is relevant when dealing with transitions because it has informed people and practitioners about the importance of attachment and the key worker system. Bowlby’s attachment theory evolved to ensure children are protected and for their survival to be increased. Bowlby believed that a child’s first attachment is built quite early on and is normally formed with the mother. This relationship between the mother and the baby is the template for relationships in the future. It provides the child with an internal working model. If the child’s first attachment doesn’t have a positive effect then this can result in the child finding it difficult to form other attachments with practitioners, family members and friends. If the first attachment is secure and strong the child will be able to build relationships with other people without having a problem. According to Bowlby the cognitive development of the child is affected when early attachment is formed because it provides a secure base for exploration. Although Bowlby’s theory has a lot of positive aspects other theorists have research that disagrees with his work. Schaffer & Emerson …show more content…

Bowlby’s theory is good because in his research is clear and by reading up on his theory I have realized that is work influences every day practice. But researched showed that a child’s first attachment is usually formed with the mother. Although this idea was very influential it has also been taken further as Bowlby with Robertson found that any “disruption of attachments can be minimized by responsive substitute care”. This means that pre-school care settings need to consider this when recruiting staff. It is the quality and low turnover of staff which is important. An alternative view to Bowlby was from Schaffer and Emerson (1964) who found in their study that babies can manage multiple

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