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In this paper we are going to tell you about Botnets. We are going to tell you what botnets are and what they are used for. There are a couple of differed participants in this case, the people controlling the botnets and the people that the botnets are affecting. In this paper we also look at different moral principles and how they affect the way botnets are looked at. One of the moral principles we look at is Absolute moral principles. People with absolute moral principles look at things as they are either right or wrong, Black or White. There are no in-betweens with people who have these morals, there is no gray area. When some people look at botnets think that they are totally wrong and should be wiped out. The other moral principle that we looked at were relative moral principles. People with these moral principles tend to look at thing as if they are right a in certain cases and wrong in others. People with moral principle tend to look at botnets as sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Briefly summarize your case.

A Botnet is a collection of malicious programs bent on taking over computers and stealing information of any kind. There are multiple ways a Botnet can be a problem. Such as E-Mail spam, Spyware, Adware, and Click fraud. Botnets are the dishonest way to control already happening things on the internet. Like increasing web traffic, stealing login names, and stealing credit card numbers. Botnets are faceless but the creator still ignores the law of ethics and they continue to lurk around every corner of the internet.

Our case is that the creators of Botnets are just as bad if not worse than the common street thief cause they affect everyone.

Identify the main participants in the case. Are there any groups or individuals not central to the case that might be affected by the case?

There are multiple participants dealing with a working Botnet. There is definitely one person or persons who program the Botnet and then there can be a multiple number of people who have to deal with the Botnet’s doings. The person who makes the Botnet can control what is the use for program and controls what location the program(s) makes its way in to becoming a problem. Botnets can spread and seed of new bots and can remain idle in a computer until activated by the controller.

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