Protecting Against Malware Essay

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Research Paper on
Protecting Against Malware

Among the three options given in the MIS6082 final paper requirements, i am going with option A and selecting Chapter 9 (Protecting Against Malware) as my research area.

Research paper at a GLANCE
1. Introduction
2. Malware
Categories of Malware
Vulnerability to malware
Symptoms of a malware affected system
Famous malware attacks
3. Protecting against malware
Anti Virus software
Browser security
Defensive Computing
Other recommended methods

In this globalized arena, with the proliferating computer users as well as computer networks, risks associated like Malware attacks are also multiplying. As the proverb
“ Prevention is better than cure ”, if computer users are aware of Malware attacks, they may prevent those attacks . So, in this research paper i am going to focus on Malware and Protecting Against Malware.

Malicious software in short known as Malware. It is also known as computer Contaminant. Similar to biological parasite, malware also reside in a Host. Malware will get installed on host without user’s consent. Generally a software is considered malware based on the intent of the creator...

... middle of paper ... automatically when you fire up computer. Turn off computer and disconnect the DSL or modem line when you’re not using it. Beware of spam-based phishing schemes—don’t click links in emails or IM.

Back up files regularly
Store the backups somewhere besides PC. If you fall victim to a Trojan attack, you can recover photos, music, movies, and personal information like tax returns and bank statements. McAfee PC Protection Plus provides essential protection from viruses, spyware, and hackers along with automatic backups of hard drive.,-history-and-classification.aspx

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