Born Into Brothels Analysis

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Born into Brothels is a documentary that tells the stories of eight children who live in brothels (Kauffman and Briski). These children are exposed to completely different communities that drastically change their childhood experiences. Unfortunately, children brought up in brothels are not given many opportunities to change their lives to live a life similar to a child in North America (such as myself). Although the same age, children in brothels are not given the same standards of education and upbringing like someone in North America; also, many times, they cannot escape their hellish matter how much they want to. Unlike in North America, where the opportunities are endless, the opportunities given to the children of the These actions are seen by the society within the brothel without being stopped. An assumption can be made that an adult treating a child this way is normal in the brothels. While being interviewed, Gour, a 13 year-old boy was talking about how his friend Puja's mother was beaten for not giving her father money for alcohol (Kauffman and Briski). These things are casually talked about between the kids as they are the norm for them. The brothel is also a very explicit place for a child to grow up in. The innocence of the children have been robbed from them because of what their community has shown them. In North America, exposure to sex is a very controversial topic, where even sex education is prohibited. In the brothels, sex is what happens during the days and nights. Children are subjected to know what sex is at a very young, and inappropriate age; this can force a child to grow up too in North America. The children grow up too fast because of what is exposed to them. In North America, children are shielded from any threats to their innocence. Advertisements, posters, media are all checked to ensure that nothing will tarnish a child's innocence - the complete opposite of what a child in the brothel experiences. Kids in the brothel have to learn how to grow up and deal with things that most children in North America do not have to. In the brothels, children work to not starve. In Gour's interview, he expressed that he wanted to take Puja away before she becomes a prostitute, a reality that a child in North America would never have to face. However, there are different situations that a North American child can be in - even a similar one to the children in the brothels. Even in these cases, because in North America these things are not accepted by the society, there are more ways to leave the harsh environment - people like Zara are much more likely to find them and help. My childhood was full of light-hearted experiences that've shaped me for what I am today. I had fun, I learned a lot, and now I can say that I was given a very lucky childhood. Although the children in the brothel seem to have a cheerful and playful childhood, the realities of their situation and futures are very well known by them all. Tapasi, an 11 year-old girl " has to accept life as painful and hard that

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