Brothel Boys Research Paper

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The brothel boy is the main suspect when a local 12 year old girl is raped. The victim is found naked with a head wound being held by the brothel boy after a group of farmers hear a scream coming from the river. Since he was the only one there the villagers assumed he was the perpetrator. So they formed a mob and tried to get people’s justice by almost beating him to death. This small village is located in Burma before modern times. Many believe that the brothel boy committed this assault because he has worked in the brothel all his life, seeing the acts, and is very undereducated. The villagers are calling that the brothel boy be hanged for his crime because they fear he could do it again if he gets out. The brothel boy’s punishment all comes …show more content…

The two models to use are the due process model and the crime control model. The parable is an example of the due process model. The due process model, as described in the Criminal Justice in America textbook, puts more emphasis on the defendant’s rights and that all the information against them is reliable and they aren’t being wrongly convicted. As opposed to the crime control model that focuses on catching criminals, controlling crime, and prosecuting the offenders. The crime control model is concerned with the speed of prosecution and if they can convict each case. The parable falls into the due process model because of the way the magistrate is handling the case. He knows the townspeople just want the brothel boy to be hung so he could never hurt anyone again. But he tries to talk to the brothel boy to get an understanding of what happened and weighs the options of prosecuting him. The only people who know what happened at the river are the brothel boy and the victim. But since the victim died and nobody will believe the brothel boy who knows what really happened. So …show more content… defines forcible rape as the victim is prevented from resisting the sexual act because of the offender’s use of force or threats of physical violence. Since there was about 8 years between them he would have been strong enough to hold her down easily. Amir (1967) states that forcible rape happens once the victim and the offender are drawn together, a process is set in motion whereby victim behavior and the situation which surrounds the encounter will determine the course of events leading to the crime. The brothel boy probably felt that this girl was the only one who genuinely cared about him and was nice to him and wanted to show her that he felt the same way. From constantly being around the actions in the brothel house he believed that that is how to show affection to someone. But because of his lack of education he didn’t know that intercourse required consent from both parties. He couldn’t have figured out that her fighting wasn’t part of the intercourse and that she was trying to get away from

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