Book Analysis Of Sun Zi's The Art Of War

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Introduction Sun Zi, or called as Sun Tzu was a brilliant military strategist that lived in China during the Spring/Autumn Period which was 770 – 476 BC in China. Sun Zi wrote a book that detail the strategies which he used to share the experience which he had gained from his victories and this book called as The Art of War. This book consisted of thirteen chapters and all of these were the classic treatise. It also considered as the oldest military manual in the world. The Art of War also is a book on military philosophy and it is not a book on military science. Sun Zi proposed the principles, concepts and approaches that more targeted on winning the “heart” of the enemy; and he preferred the holistic approach in dealing with military conflicts. …show more content…

While the timelessness of The Art of War can be borne out by the fact of both Qin Shihuang and Mao Zedong that used Sun Zi’s strategies to defeat their enemies. Besides Qin Shihuang and Mao Zedong, the other Asian leaders who also have applied the Sun Zi’s principles include Yamamoto in the conquest of Malaya, Giap during the battle of Dien Bien Phu and Vietcong leaders that during the Vietnam War. However, the work of Sun Zi is concerned merely with the means by which victory that could be achieved in warfare. Moreover, Sun Zi has shown that victory can be achieved in a dynamic and the fast-paced environment through the effective and efficient use of the scarce resources in The Art of War. A close study and examination of Sun Zi Bingfa will reveal that Sun Zi was never an advocate of war. Sun Zi recognized the high costs of going to war from his opening chapter and in many parts of his other chapters. While for the costs were not restricted to the financial burdens …show more content…

According to written by Clara Chooi,
Assistant News Editor, most of the operations of Sime Darby plantation are carried out by manual labor. However, labor shortage that occurs in Malaysia seriously hit the oil palm plantation firms, including Sime Darby. Labor shortage arises from the Indonesia’s minimum wage hike plans which cause the labors are more willing to work in their own country for the better salaries instead of working in the estate in Malaysia. Labor shortage causes a decrease in Sime Darby outputs and a reduction in the profit margin.
Thirdly, Sime Darby faced a problem of loss in ENERGY AND UTILITY (U&E) DIVISION.Based on Sime Darby’ annual report 2010, E&U Division faced a great loss in FY2009/2010. This is because the four projects that E&U Division in charge has encountered delays and cost overruns. Sime Darby estimate a loss of RM200 million for its Bulhanine and Maydan Mahzam project with Qatar Petroleum, RM159 million for the Maersk Oil Qatar (MOQ) project, RM155 million for a project regarding the construction of vessels for the MOQ project and RM450 million for the Bakun hydroelectric dam project. Because of this huge loss, other divisions’ plan or project, including plantation division has affected and need to set aside as well as invest less in the

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