Body Image Affects Society

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How does society get away with choosing how body image should be despite causing harm into people’s lives? Body image is the way someone feels about their own physical attraction. Physical image can affect the way people see each other by those who do not live up to the “normal” image being outcast and viewed as unacceptable. I was one of those outcasts. Due to my small appearance, people thought I was abnormal. Even my acquaintances etched away from me when the crowd pestered them for interacting with me. I was forced to sit alone. The only thing that kept me company was my art; it was the only thing that kept my mind off the constant loneliness I had to bare every day. Despite keeping away from everyone upon knowing they did not want me anywhere …show more content…

Negative self-image mainly affects the minds of the youth, especially teenagers. “Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a condition that involves obsessions, mainly the distressing thoughts about perceived appearance flaws” (TeensHealth 1). The mind can be heavily influenced by the media, causing those who cannot live up to the standards to become negative about their self-body image. Society should not be displaying impossibly body images within the media world. How is it that society allows the media to easily influence the minds of people, especially the youth, when it has a high risk of causing mental disorders? The standards set of appearance can lead to people physically harm themselves by them desperately trying to change themselves by unnatural forces. Negative thoughts of self-image can guide people to starving themselves and even over exercising. Eating disorders are also a huge risk caused by a negative overlook on self-image. People harm their own bodies in attempt to fit into the image of society. Physical harm can also be caused from other people, leading back to the topic of bullies. Why is it that society is allowing people to harm themselves physically, to meet the desired image, in order to fit

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