Bleak House By Mrs. Pardiggle Summary

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In the excerpt from Bleak House, written by Dickens, not only are the social workers there to help the poor satirized, but the man undermines Mrs. Pardiggle attempts to help him change. In the text, the man and or parent of the house undermines Mrs. Pardiggle attempts to help him change his lifestyle to which he continues to despise her solutions and work ethic. In addition to the man undermining the social worker Mrs.Pardiggle, Dickens satires the social worker who comes to check on the poor by having her give advice to the family although the advice she is giving is irrelevant. As a social worker, her job is to check in on families that have a record or struggle to keep life maintainable. Therefore, she suggests solutions to help improve their lifestyle while not realizing that the solutions she offers are inapplicable which causes the man to undermine her attempts along with her being …show more content…

According to the excerpt, “Have I read the little book wot you left? No, I ain't read the little book wot you left. There an't nobody here as knows how to read it: and if there wos, it wouldn't be suitable for me. Its a book fit for a babby [baby] and I'm not a babby” (Dickens, paragraph 9). This quote then shows that Mrs.Pardiggle suggestions to help the family are undermined by the man. The man after listening to her suggestions continues to resist her help. After coming for a visit and suggesting to read a book, the man undermines her in which reading a book isn't going to help improve their lifestyle. The family doesn't need a book to read, they need clean water for drinking and cleaning. Therefore, Mrs.Pardiggle isn't really improving their lifestyle, she is more so making her visits useless to which the man continues to resist her help. In addition to being undermined, the social workers there to help are

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