Blaming Germany for the First World War

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Blaming Germany for the First World War


§ Explain topic. Agree partially. Germany mostly responsible however

other countries contributed.


§ Talk about the balance of power. The alliances. One major power in

Germany while 3 major powers in Britain, France Russia yet they were

all threatened by Germany.

§ Encirclement of Germany. Ganging up against Germany.


§ Talk about imperialism/colonial rivalry between Germany and Britain,

the naval race and expansion.

§ Talk about commercial rivalry between Germany and Britain.

§ Britain was almost always ahead yet they continuously felt


§ Failure to accommodate Germany as a major power.


§ Military rivalry.

§ The arms race between Germany and Russia. Franco-Prussian War

leading to tensions between Germany and France.

§ Each country too proud to back down. It would be humiliating to back



§ Nationalism.

§ Germany's attitude by 1914 was that war was inevitable. The longer

it was delayed the less chance Germany had to win. No point avoiding

it, they were better off preparing for it.


§ Balkan tension unable to be resolved peacefully. Ultimatum to

Serbia. However Austria would never have started war with Serbia and

Russia without Germany's support. Hence the blank cheque to Austria.

Austria-Hungry looked for no other possibility but war to solve the

problem because of their short sighted plan to rid themselves of a

Slavic Nationalist movement


§ Conclude that three long term factors contributed to war, failure of

triple entente to accommodate Germany as a dominant power, instead

allowing them to feel threatened, hence the naval and arms race

progressed. Austria Hungary and Russia could not resolve Balkan

conflict peacefully; Germany's backing of this making a small local

war a world war. Attitude in the time, Nationalism, no country backing

down, notably Germany. Austria Hungary looked for no other possibility

but war to rid themselves of a Slavic Nationalist Movement.

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