Black Lives Matter Movement: The Black Life Matters Movement

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“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Black lives Matter movement is that is working for the validity of Black life. According to they state “ We are broadening the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. We are talking about the ways in which Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity.” Overall, the movement black lives matter is working towards a world where there is no longer systematic and intentional racism. In the United States there has been an uprising problem in police brutality, especially when dealing with African American …show more content…

The message that the black community is trying to portray is that black lives has never mattered in the United States dating all the way back to slavery. When we were brought from our tribes, and families and brought to the United States to work under and for the white man. Even today, black lives have no true value to society, and that is why this movement is in place. African Americans are dehumanized in the eyes of America. As if our lives do not truly matter to America unless we are playing a sport, or singing a song. The Black lives matter movement is against the dehumanization of black people in the sense of police brutality, systematic racism, and the unconsciousness of direct acts of racism toward minorities. This movement has been called violent, militant, and distracting to the youth. The media tends to portray protest and revolution as violent to discredit the movement. Yet we need to remember that the same people control the media and the government, also control everything. By discrediting the Black lives matter movement it gives the government and society a way to throw the movement, along with the message under the rug. The new anarchists also had this problem. Both of these movements have felt as if the media focuses more on the negative aspect of the protest. Yes, of course the Black Bloc may show up to the movement and participate in the diversity of tactics, but like states in class, the Black Bloc is a small minority of the group. Instead of the media focusing on the majority of the group, and their message they focus on the negative and give the movement a bad reputation. Stated by David Graeber “In the corporate media, the word ‘violent’ is invoked as a kind of mantra—invariably, repeatedly—whenever a large action takes place: ‘violent protests’, ‘violent clashes’, ‘police raid headquarters of violent protesters’, even ‘violent

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