Bipolar Disorder Case Study

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Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder (BD) is an illness that causes severe mood swings. Patients may compare the emotions to being on a rollercoaster. Most patients are diagnosed in their late teens to early adulthood, usually before 24. There are two episodes that the patient may express, manic and depression. The major sign of manic episodes is overly excitement. Mania can be characterized by elevated irritation, leading to violent behavior. Also extreme happiness is present causing rapid talking and racing thoughts. Depressive episodes can be characterized by mood changes during daily chores. Loss interest in things that once pleasured them such as sex. In most cases patients will experience insomnia and thoughts of suicide. In the most severe case one can experience hallucinations and delusion. Doctors are able to diagnose patients with BD by using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMS).
Diagnosis …show more content…

Bipolar 1 can have episodes that last up to 7 days. Patients with this type only have one episode in their life. Manic and mixed episodes will occur. One may experience depression and hypomania with Bipolar 2, but it doesn’t interfere with everyday task. Rapid cycling is the most severe type of BD. Patients will experience four or more episodes in a year, and is seen in mostly women. Physical exams and interview can help a doctor diagnose individuals with the correct type. Lab tests can be done to rule out other mental disorders. This disorder can worsen if left untreated. Most people will cope with the episodes by abusing drugs or alcohol, which can trigger an episode. BD cannot be cured, therefore treatment is long

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