bipolar disorder - a brain disorder that has changes in the human state of mind, energy, action, and the ability to carry out tasks.
mental health - a condition related to psychological and emotional behaviour.
Depression - a medical illness that negatively influences the way you think and act.
Anxiety - causes by nervousness, fear, and stressing. It affects how we feel and behave.
Fashion designer Kate Spade passed away by suicide and the social media started hypothesizing about her reason to do such a thing. The tragic incident happen during her time at New York City.
Kate had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and that information was given by her own sister.
However her husband said she had been going through treatments
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sedimentary - identified as sediment, that has formed from sediment kept by water or air.
Aitape - the Aitape tsunami disaster of 1998, devastating natural disaster in Papua New Guinea's.
human remains - leftover body parts or body of a deceased person.
radiocarbon dating - technique for determining the age of natural materials.
A skull was found in Papua New Guinea approximately 6000 years ago. It shows an early evidence of human remains from the Pacific Islands region.The finding demonstrates the skull may be a confirmation of the first found evidence of a tsunami victim.
Researchers near the town of Aitape found something strange about the sedimentary deposits, where the skull was found in 1929. The people from there were shook and had a feeling of this situation.
They understood that specific examples in the residue or sedimentary showed the trademark fingerprints of an old tidal wave.
It was proven by the specialist that thousands of years ago, a tsunami likely took the skull to that specific location.
Box 3: Point(s) of view on the issue/topic and your view on the issue /topic
Box 4: How is the article related to the discipline of
A farmer in the late 19th century, upon plowing his land near Carthage, Alabama, discovered an object buried in the earth. From the soil, he removed a large stone disk, polished and flawlessly round. The disk was about 12 inches in diameter with small-notched edges. One side displayed incised globular lines and the flip side was “a strange engraving showing an open hand with what looked like an eye peering from it. Encircling the hand-and-eye image were two entwined rattlesnakes with horns and long tongues.” The farmer had previously found tools pieces of pottery, but he had never seen an object such as this (Blitz 2008:1).
In a search to find our ancestors, several anthropologists have found evidence to support their conclusions. In the films about Don Johanson's discovery of Lucy in Hadar, one may be very intrigued by the first film but very disturbed by the second film.
I have chosen to do a paper on Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar is a disorder in when a person’s mood inappropriately alternates between feelings of mania and depression. A bipolar mania is a mental illness classified by psychiatry as a mood disorder. Also individuals with bipolar disorder experience episodes of an elevated or agitated mood known as mania or hypomania, depending on the severity alternating with episodes of depression.
Bipolar disorder is a serious psychiatric disorder that can have serious consequences is not treated. Bipolar disorder is a different in a few ways in children and adults. Bipolar can be managed with different treatment options. There are many places to seek help. Remember to get educated about bipolar disorder in order to help manage their bipolar disorder.
Most of the research has been done in Eastern and Southern African over the last several decades, revealing several classes of evidence: hominid fossils (includes extinct and modern humans), archaeological sites consisting of ancient stone tools and fossil animal bones, and geological and paleoecological contexts (Bunn, 1991). This research prompted other researchers in South Africa to reevaluate the fossil evidence by analyzing the processes that affect bones between the time they are buried and when they are discovered, most notably was C.K. Brain. Brian brought the studies of taphonomy into paleoanthropology during the 1960s, bringing about more awareness of the interaction between cultural and natural processes that affect bone assemblages. Brain, through taphonomic analysis, discovered more about how ancient hominids died than how they lived (Bunn, 1991). Some archaeological evidence discovered, such as stone artifacts, bone tools, and burned bones, provides more comprehensive evidence of hominid
Paleontologists had noticed the passageways inside the crest but had no way of knowing how intricate these tubes and chambers were until computers were used to scan the insides of the crest and differentiate between what was actual fossil and what was clay and sandstone. Computer Scientist Carl Diegert used a CT Scan (Computer Tomography, i.e.; CAT Scan) and scanned the skull at intervals of 3mm to produce 350 cross sections.
Austria. Originally thought to be a hiker lost in the mountains, one of many that share that similar fate. However, upon closer inspection, it was discovered that they had instead found a corpse from 5300 years in the past. This was exciting as they had just found the world’s oldest mummy. While most scientists thought he died in the cold up the mountain, some had doubts, and while studying the remains of the mummy, an anomaly was found inside of it. An arrowhead had been found lodged in his back, close to the heart and deep enough to puncture an artery. As the Huffington Post says “ Clearly, the arrowhead had caused a one-centimeter gash
Through these thorough studies, researchers have discovered that the images were created during two separate phases. The first phase dates around –27,000, and includes the handprints and some geometric designs that were found (Duckeck). After that, there is an 8000 year gap in which no one seems to have used the cave (Jaobs). The second phase is between -19,000 and –18,000. It was in this phase that the animal images were created (Duckeck).
In geology, a sediment is defined as an assemblage of particles, loose or indurated materials that form on the Earth’s surface (Selley 2000, 41). The study of sediment includes its provenance and the processes that result in their deposition of the weathered and eroded products of its older material. The purpose of sedimentology is to provide a deeper understanding about the Earth’s history.
Bipolar disorder is a cycle of mood changes from depression to wild elation and back again or known as extreme mood swings (Rathus, S., 2010). In the movie, Mommy Dearest,
This processes supply the materials (sediments), responsible for the formation of sedimentary rocks. Weathered materials are transported by the agents of denudation such as water, wind and ice; then are deposited in low altitude areas. The accumulated materials are compacted as results of increasing pressure, finally the material are cemented following the precipitation of silica, calcium carbonate or iron oxide between particles.
This site was on a floodplain next to a farm. There was evidence of an
There are four subfields of anthropological study: physical/ biological, social/cultural, linguistic, and archaeology. Physical or biological anthropology involves the study of human variation from the beginning of time. This also includes the study of primates. Social or cultural anthropology involves the study of living human culture and society from a cross cultural perspective. Linguistic anthropology is the study of human language and how every language may have distinct relationships with each other. Archaeology is the study of physical remains through excavation to research human culture in the past. This paper will explore forensic anthropology, medical anthropology, and cultural
* Ripple marks in the rock can show that it has been formed from the
Forensic anthropology is the science of studying and analyzing human remains. In the layman’s language, a forensic anthropologist is one who considers bones. However, forensic anthropology goes beyond the mere study of bones and has found application in other fields such as medicine, criminal investigations, and even history. Forensic anthropology is not an entirely new branch altogether as it existed in thepast in traditional forms. Modern forensic anthropology has just advanced and comes up with new techniques to enhance the study. Forensic anthropologists have outdone themselves in ensuring the best experience in the field to come up with not only valid but also reliable findings. Forensic anthropologists have become imperative