Bhagavad Gita is the Ultimate Science of Yoga

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The Meaning of Yoga

It is common to associate the word Yoga with a

system of physical postures and meditation. But Yoga

in its original form has a deep spiritual significance

which is lost in today’s body-centered world.

The Sanskrit word Yoga comes from the verb root

Yuj, which means to link or to connect. When we

talk about linking or connection, an obvious question

arises: to connect what with what? The very word

“connection” implies that there must be two different

entities separated from one another, and they need to

be connected. The ancient Vedic text Bhagavad Gita

explains that these entities are the individual

consciousness and the universal Supreme

consciousness. Some may call this universal

consciousness an all-pervading energy, whereas most

theists consider this Supreme consciousness to be

God. The Vedic philosophy combines these two

apparently contradictory concepts very beautifully. It

explains that there is definitely an all-pervading

universal energy. But the very existence of energy

implies that there also exists a possessor and

controller of the energy – the energetic – who is an

intelligent being. Our individual consciousness or

energy is a manifestation of the spirit soul inside our

body, and this soul is a part of the Supreme Soul or

the Supreme Energetic or God. The purpose of Yoga

is to connect the individual energy with the universal

energy, or put another way, to connect the individual

being to its source – the Supreme Being.

Yoga or divine union with the Supreme does not

mean that we merge into the Supreme and become

one with Him. Bhagavad Gita explains that we do

become one, but in quality and not in quantity. This

oneness is spiritual, not physical. For example, the

perfect realization of sugar is not becoming sugar,

rather tasting its sweetness. Similarly, the perfect

divine union means that we do not lose our

individuality, but we become united with the Supreme


An ancient language in which most of the Eastern

philosophy texts have been written.

Vedas are the most ancient recorded scriptures of knowledge

of the Self.

in a deep, eternal, sweet, personal, loving

relationship, and taste the nectar of its mellows.

What is Bhagavad Gita?

Bhagavad Gita literally means Song of the

Absolute. It is a conversation between Arjuna and

Krishna, which took place around 3000 B.C. in a

battlefield. Krishna represents the Supreme Being and

Arjuna represents an ordinary living being like us.

Through Arjuna’s questions and Krishna’s answers,

the complete science of Yoga is revealed. It is

considered a science because it describes the concept

of Yoga in a systematic step-by-step way. It tells us

exactly how to follow the Yoga processes and also

what will be the results of different practices.

In modern days, Yoga is often misunderstood just

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