Bhagavad Gita Argumentative Essay

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“As a man abandons worn-out clothes and acquires new ones, so when the body is worn out a new one is acquired by the Self, who lives within” -Bhagavad Gita. For centuries, humans have been perplexed with the concept of death and an afterlife. Death is inevitable to all creatures. Once we are deceased, does our soul become confined underground, or does it transcend to a divine world? In order to reach salvation and the afterlife, there are steps that we need to take. While the Bhagavad Gita and the Genesis do not directly address an afterlife, they both have higher beings, which imply a final resting place for the soul that can be achieved through sacrifice, prayer, and devotion.
Genesis, 2:7, states, “God breathed into him”. By analyzing and interpreting this text, one can say that man can be characterized into two parts, the flesh and the spirit. Throughout the Gita, the divinity of the soul is expressed in every chapter. Our soul is what transcends to another world and what dictates our afterlife. In Genesis 3:19 it states that “for dust you are and to dust you will return”, God is having a conversation with Adam and where he speaks about how we are dust and dust we will return …show more content…

Christianity and Hinduism believe that a judgment after death, determines your afterlife. Christianity has a God, Hinduism believes in the Brahman. Whether it is God or the Brahman, the way we behave on Earth will determine our destiny. Our soul will be liberated once we detach ourselves on the material and sinful world. Just in Christianity, if one remains attached to what this world offers, one will not enter the kingdom of God, in Hinduism; the soul will not reach its final

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