Fixed Odds Betting Essay

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Fixed odds betting and Due Column betting
Gambling has been around in our societies for a very long time. Over the time as the stakes involved in gambling rose, so did sophistication in rules in how to gamble rose. Although rules that came into force to govern how to gamble were helpful in reducing the number of complaints for foul play, other rules in terms of how to gamble are more informal and can also be considered as strategies.
Louis Pasteur reminds us that ‘Chance always favors the prepared mind’. Before entering the world of gambling it is imperative that you know what you are getting into after all it’s your money and you are primarily undertaking a financial risk. In gambling terminology the size of this risk involved is given the name of ‘odds’. Odds on bets also roughly express the probability that the bettor will win. There are two main type of betting available; all forms of wagering in the sporting world such as horseracing and football etc. involve fixed odds betting, where as in the financial world spread betting is utilized . This paper shall be focusing on the former.
As the name suggests, fixed odds involve a fixed amount of money put at risk also referred to as the ‘stake’. Bettors bet a stake against the …show more content…

The first one is Fractional odds and is most common in horseracing, this is also known as traditional or UK odds as bookmakers in UK and Ireland prefer them. As the name indicates they are presented in a fractional form and no sign precedes them. The fractional from represent that the stake equal to the denominator will result in a winning equal to the numerator. So what the bettor wagers is in the denominator and what he wins is in the numerator. Payout to the individual would equal the sum of his stake and his winnings when the stake has been paid for

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