Best Friends Movie Analysis

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Movie examples only scratch the surface of “best friends.” Viewers see the typical girl duo that gossips and shops, completely joined at the hip, never without one another. They trade secrets and inside jokes like playing cards, and their names go hand in hand. That perception is not wrong; it is just not the whole truth. Your best friend should be all that movies say, but it is so much more complex than that. Relationships are the risk you take knowing you could lose someone, but best friends and forever loves are knowing they will always be there after a long day. Dave Matthews once said, “A guy and girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other… Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too …show more content…

Watch curiously as they pick out the parts of you from between their teeth with a fingernail. Kiss their incisors after and say ‘thank god I was here.’ When I look at my best friend all I see is someone too fragile for his own good. Too large to fit inside his too-small self; his big personality and even bigger mouth always trying to burst out of his body. He says he can handle himself, but he doesn’t know how much I worry because his heart’s too big and his words pack a punch that his fist can’t. And it gets him into trouble. And I can’t lose him; I can’t. He thinks he’s so small but he’s larger than life. When you love someone you can’t help but love them too hard; especially when they’re all honey and none of the sting. Being in love is seeing someone at their worst and still thinking they’re the best. Because you swear a second with them is greater than a lifetime alone. People have always said to fall in love with your best friend and imagine this whole other world of intricate labyrinths and armies of malicious letters guarding the doors of one’s unmappable mind. However, no one ever mentions how easy it would be to dive into the dark ocean of your best friend’s eyes without worrying about height, parachutes, or life vests. I was never told I would find someone who was the kind of fire I would recklessly burn my fingers with again and again; denying everything I have ever been told for a glimmering drop of their

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