Bermuda Triangle Conspiracy

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Discovering the Bermuda: Mystery, Facts and Fantasy
The Bermuda Triangle has been an area of mystery for over a century, but whether it is a fantasy like Atlantis, the Garden of Eden, the Fountain of Youth, or is just plain fact, is up to you. The Bermuda is sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Triangle, Limbo of the Lost, the Twilight Zone, or the Hoodoo Sea (Robinson 1). Even though they sound different, we can interpret one thing; the Bermuda Triangle is an eerie and ghostly place that has yet to be explained.

The first person to discover the bizarre things within the Bermuda was Christopher Columbus in 1493. In the journal he was keeping he wrote about how his compass readings were strange, and that he saw peculiar bursts of light out on the ocean (Robinson 1) (Origins Of the Bermuda Triangle Myth 1). It is uncertain why Columbus saw strange lights, but there may be an answer to why he had odd compass readings. The Bermuda is one of the two places in the world where true north and magnetic north line up. These unusual circumstances could cause the compass readings to be abnormal (Mayell 2). This same problem may have been what caused the disappearance of one of the most significant Bermuda Triangle mysteries, Flight 19. Flight19 is one of the most famous Bermuda Triangle mysteries because the events that unfolded are baffling. …show more content…

The author was E.V.W Jones, who talked about the many accidents that have been happening near Florida (Whiting 9). The second time someone mentioned the accidents was in a magazine article in 1952. George X. Sands wrote an article for Fate Magazine about these unusual circumstances (Origins of the Bermuda Triangle Myth 2). Sands wrote that there were a “series of strange marine disappearances, each leaving no trace whatsoever, which have taken place in the past few years.” (Origins of the Bermuda Triangle Myth

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