Beowulf Quotes

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Beowulf is a very good book because it is exciting has lots of action in it. Every chapter there is non stop action.Beowulf is the right book for you if you like lots of action,scenes that make you sit on the edge of your seat and medieval stories. The book Beowulf is a small book but Beowulf is a young warrior who is the hero of the book. He fought the mean strong creatures of the medieval times. The creatures where Grendel,she,firedrake, and giant sea snakes. Beowulf defeated all of them. Except one, the firedrake the person who defeated the fire drake was unferth.Unferth was a small drunken fellow who always argued with everyone. Later in the story Beowulf got a opportunity to be the king but he said no, he said somebody else deserves it more than I do, but after a few years they asked him again and the took the crown. …show more content…

Hrothgar is the king who built the Hall Heorot. He can not be touched by bad creatures while he is sitting on his throne. Because his throne is being covered by god.Hall Heorot is the biggest hall that was built in their time. Lots of king Hrothgar’s soldiers died in the Hall Heorot by grendel and grendel's mom.She. she is grendel's mom and mean, ugly creature.But they call her she because nobody knows what her name is. She went on a killing spree when she found grendel dead in the blinding snow. Grendel is the son of she. Once in awhile he would go to the hall heorot and go on a killing spree on the soldiers and. One night when he got there all the soldiers were asleep so grendel when to to the Hall Heorot and while all the soldiers were asleep grendel came and when he came in Beowulf and his soldiers ripped off his arm and grendel ran into the woods and

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