Beowulf: An Imperfect Hero

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In order to determine whether Beowulf is a hero, we need to look at how a hero is viewed in the poem's time. Within the tale of "Beowulf" four character traits can be found which define the Anglo Saxon Hero. The first trait is loyalty, as can be seen by the warrior's relationship with their lords. A proof to that can be seen by the way Beowulf is introduced: not by his name, but by "Hygelac's thane" (line 194). The second characteristic is strength. Upon Beowulf's arrival to the Danes land, when the watch-man describes him, He says "Nor have I seen / a mightier man... unless I am mistaken, / he is truly noble" (lines 247-250). It is obvious that the watch-man is impressed with his might and concludes from his look only that he his noble. The third trait is courage, which is given as a reason for Shield Sheafson's greatness (line 2). The last trait is the notion of fame, what will be remembered of a warrior after his death. When Beowulf introduces himself to the watch-man, he speaks of his father. "All over the world / men wise in counsel continue to remember him" (lines 265-266). The proof that Ecgtheow was such a great and noble character is the fact that even these days wise men still speaks of him.

As he introduces himself to Hrothgar, Beowulf presents each and every on of this qualities. We can see that he is loyal to his lord, by his description of himself as "Hygelac's kinsman, / one of his hall-troop" (lines 407-408). He is first and foremost, a warrior to Hygelac. He later on says that one of the reasons why he would fight Grendel (other than helping the Danes) is "to heighten Hygelac's fame / and gladden his heart" (lines 435-436). He is fighting for the name of his lord and not to gain personal recognition. He then goes on describing his strength. First, he proves his might by stating "When I was younger, / I had great triumphs" (lines 408-409). He gives Hrothgar a reason why he is justified to fight Grendel. Even in his younger days, when he was probably weaker, he already made a name for himself as a great warrior. "All knew of my awesome ...I have suffered extremes and avenged the Gates" (lines 218-223). He believes that his strength is a match to Grendel's (line 425).

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