Benefits Of Pediatric Occupational Therapy

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While many studies have been conducted on occupational therapy and the effectiveness of its treatments, many studies have also been conducted on the long lasting results that come along with success rates seen by the patients. Occupational therapists see and work with many types of patients starting from pediatric, youth and lastly to the elderly. Each age group of patients requires for occupational therapists to be trained in a different way as well as a different type of setting. Occupational therapy assists individuals of all ages with different abilities to engage and be more functional in their daily living. Depending on the persons age these activities might include shaking a rattle (baby), learning work/job skills (adolescent), or …show more content…

The following age ranges are what would typically be coming into see a pediatric occupational therapist. Pediatric occupational therapy focuses and works with infants which are zero to twelve months old, toddlers which are one to three years old, preschoolers which are three to five years old, grade school students which are five to twelve years old and lastly teens which are twelve to eighteen years old. Along with these age groups pediatric occupational therapists will also be working alongside with the child’s families. …show more content…

However a child’s job is going to school, learning, doing their homework, playing and even being on a sports team. An occupational therapist will be able to compare the child’s learning, interacting with others, school performance and daily activities with what is developmentally appropriate for that age group. If it is apparent that the child is
struggling or behind on one of those aspects then they would work with the child to help them improve.
While age groups differ in what skills they should be able to successful do on their own, for children in elementary and middle school they need to be able to have functional motor and fine motor skills, functional and academic skills as well as general knowledge and comprehension. For example a check list can be done by a teacher to see if the student can pass the functional skills check list. The check list would include all of the following skills. After the test is over the teacher would then decide if the parent would need to be contacted to consult with an occupational therapist.
For example during the motor skills the teacher could ask the student if they can take their jacket on and off, take their shoes on and off and take their backpack on and

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