Benefits Of Aromatherapy

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From the name aromatherapy, there is a misconception from those of us who are less informed, that the incenses and burning oils are the only methods through which treatment is carried out. This is because the name (aroma meaning the smell or fragrance and therapy meaning treatment) gives that impression, but aromatherapy isn’t just the inhalation of essential oils alone, but the topical application and on extremely rare occasions (only when supervised and instructed by a health practitioner) the ingestion of these essential oils. So what is Aromatherapy? It is the use of essential oil to heal the mind and body, and has been practiced for over 6000 years. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Indian people have used this treatment as complement to heal ailment and improve the mental wellbeing of patients and today cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy use aromatherapy has a method to reduce the nausea, vomiting and fatigue associated with Chemotherapy. The benefits of aromatherapy for skincare is tremendous as even the ancient Egyptian royalty were said to include this in …show more content…

These oils also rejuvenate the skin if you are one of those suffering from dry skin as a result of age or maturity by encouraging the growth of new cells. The oils better known for their anti-aging qualities are lavender, geranium, neroli, rosemary and rose. These oils should be mixed together and used only after exfoliation and cleansing of the face (cleansing should always be done before any treatment). The other oils that can be included in aromatherapy treatment mixtures are carrot seed, jasmine, peppermint, chamomile, frankincense, cistus, myrrh, palmarosa, helichrysum, and sandalwood oil. A little amount of this should be gently applied on skin once a day for the desired

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