Bend It Like Beckham Cultural Analysis

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How do we see culture from others? Race informs the way one views others and the world. In the film, “Bend It Like Beckham” by Gurinder Chadha, Paul Mayeda Berges, and Guijit Bendra: the script says “ Taz picks Jess up - Jess's Mum arrives: Later at home Jess's Mum: Chi Chi Chi. He was touching you all over! Put his hands on your bare legs! You're not a young girl anymore! And showing the world your scar! … Jess's Mum: I was married at your age! You don't even want to learn to cook dhal! Jess's Mum: - Good! End of matter! ... Jess: I'm joining a girls' team, they want me to play in proper matches. The coach said I could go far. Jess's Mum: Go far? Go far to where? Jessie. We let you play all you wanted when you were young, huh? - You've played enough. … Jess's Mum: - See how she lies? I don't want you running around half naked in front of men, huh? Look how dark you've become, playing in the sun! Jess: - But Mum, I'm really good! … Explains about another Indian girl Jess's Mum: - She's divorced! That's what she is. Cast off after three years of being married to a white boy with blue hair! Her …show more content…

In the article, “What Is Cultural Identity?” By Trumbull and Pacheco, they said “This argument posits that individual select beliefs, values, and ideas that guide their actions from a larger set of cultural beliefs, values, and ideas”(Page 9). Belief, one of the three, is one of most important things about cultural identity according to the article. This also tells that belief guides to their actions of doing in the future, or like what they can't or can do. Many people would view them from religion/belief because of all similar actions, they will always do the same which we will look to others and the world by their belief or/and religion. For another example, if Muslim can't eat pig according from their religion, others that aren't Muslim will view that they can't eat

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